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Spells, and choosing how to use them, is a core part of Noita. You can obtain new spells in a few ways, such as by collecting them off naturally generated wands, by opening chests, by buying them from shops, or by finding them in special locations. There are many different "types" of spells, but most either add a projectile to the current wand's shot, or modify something about the current shot state.

Non-shuffle wands will always cast the spells sequentially in a left-to-right order, thus enabling complex yet predictable combinations. Modifier type spells will generally only affect the current shot state in a wand, though some will affect global data like recharge time. Wands with an "Always Cast" spell will cast that spell along with any other spells every time the wand is cast. To learn more basics about how spells and modifiers can be used, see the Guide To Wand Mechanics.

Shuffle wands behave similarly to non-shuffle wands, but when a shuffle wand is recharged, edited or swapped to the order of spells is randomized.

See the Spell Information Table for a list of all spells and their statistics. For an explanation of spell tiers, and where specific spells can be found, see Spell Tiers.

Spell attributes

Attribute Description
Uses For spells with limited uses, the number of times they can be cast before being depleted. Limited use spells tend to be more powerful than unlimited ones for the stage of Noita they are found, and can often be used to great tactical advantage. Depleted spells are restored using the Spell Refreshers found inside each Holy Mountain. Wands will just skip over any depleted spells without spending mana.
Mana Drain The amount of mana required to cast the spell. If a wand does not have enough mana in reserve to cast a spell it is skipped over, and may be wrapped into subsequently.
Cast Delay The time the Wand waits after firing a spell (or spells, if multicast) before firing the next one in the queue. Wands have a built-in Cast Delay stat which can be increased or reduced by spells. Reducing delay increases firing rate (up the maximum rate of 60 shots per second). Cast delay is calculated for each multicast set of spells, and is ignored entirely for spells inside Trigger payloads. Usually shown in game.
Recharge Time Once all the spells in the Wand's queue have been cast, it recharges. The time this takes is the greater of either the cumulative Recharge Time, or the Cast Delay of the last spell (or multicast) fired. All spells on a wand which modify Recharge time contribute to the final value at the end of the spell casting cycle, including those inside Triggers.
Spread The range of deviation of a spell from the aimed direction, measured in degrees. The lower the total spread, the more accurate the spells will be. Wands have a built-in Spread stat which provides the base value modified by spells.
Damage The amount of damage dealt by the spell, listed by damage types. If no damage type is given then it is Projectile Damage Projectile damage. Some damage types are more effective than others against different enemies.[1]
Radius The radius of the explosion (if any) caused by a projectile. See Explosive Projectile for why this stat can be important.
Speed Projectiles are created with either a fixed initial speed, or one picked at random from a range between a minimum and maximum value. Variation in initial speed translates into a variation in range. Most projectiles are capped to the default Terminal Velocity of 1,000px/s, and if spawned with a higher initial speed will instead travel at this limit. Lightning Bolt is a notable exception to this (having terminal velocity disabled) and can move a lot faster - up to the upper limit of 61,440 px/s.
Spells that alter the speed multiplier
Take cover!
Giga Nuke
Giga Nuke
What do you expect?
Giga Nuke
A dripping ball of poisonous slime
Light Shot
Light Shot
Makes a projectile move considerably faster, but deal less damage
Light Shot
Applies an upwards force to the projectile
Increases the effect gravity has on a projectile
Fly Downwards
Fly Downwards
Causes a projectile to aim straight downwards a short time after casting
Fly Downwards
Fly Upwards
Fly Upwards
Causes a projectile to aim straight upwards a short time after casting
Fly Upwards
Accelerating Shot
Accelerating Shot
Causes a projectile to accelerate as it flies
Accelerating Shot
Decelerating Shot
Decelerating Shot
Makes a projectile decelerate as it flies
Decelerating Shot
Projectile Energy Shield
Projectile Energy Shield
Gives a projectile a shield that deflects other projectiles
Projectile Energy Shield
Speed Up
Speed Up
Increases the speed at which a projectile flies through the air
Speed Up
Explosive Projectile
Explosive Projectile
Makes a projectile more destructive to the environment
Explosive Projectile
The speed multiplier affects how fast projectiles multicast together start off moving. It is usually capped at 20×.

The initial speed of a projectile can be changed by other spells (see spells that modify speed for a list) and some perks, notably Faster Projectiles. Some modifiers also alter projectile speed over time, e.g. Accelerating Shot/Decelerating Shot. Projectile top speed is still capped by Terminal Velocity, although a projectile with high acceleration will reach top speed again more quickly after being slowed down. The multiplier for initial speed usually caps at 20×, but Fly Upwards/Fly Downwards can be used to raise the multiplier beyond this.

Speed influences flight time for projectiles, and slow moving projectiles can be hard to aim without homing modifiers. Very slow moving projectiles like Pollen can be useful for doing damage over time using modifiers like Damage Field - hitting the target directly isn't necessary. Along with lifetime, speed also determines the maximum range of a projectile.

Some projectiles also have a speed below which they die immediately, either on spawn if their initial speed is too low, or later if they decelerate too much. The check for this happens each game frame after any acceleration is applied. Some projectiles do more damage if their speed when they hit an enemy is higher than their initial speed when fired.

Lifetime The maximum duration in which a projectile remains active. This is measured in game "ticks" - roughly equivalent to 1/60th of a second.[2] of a projectile tends to change the range it can cover, and can have some interesting and useful effects.
Timer Lifetime Some spells come with a Timer (a form of Trigger), the duration of which is set independently to the spell's lifetime. After this fixed duration passes the projectile releases a secondary payload of one or more spells. Not shown in-game.
Recoil Some spells have a recoil effect, which can be significant enough to send you flying in the other direction. Can be mitigated by spells that reduce recoil, or which to a fixed value. Not shown in-game.
Critical Chance The chance that a spell will critically strike, dealing 5 times the usual damage (and dealing even further damage if critical chance is above 100%). Crit chance applies to all spells cast together, and if one projectile out of a multicast crits, they all do.
Friendly Fire Many spells, in their default form, don't hurt you directly. Some spells however have 'friendly fire' enabled - making them able to hit you too. This is often the price paid for a hefty damage boost. Caution is advised, especially when using spells which have Piercing effects. Not shown in-game.
Piercing & Penetrating Typically a projectile ceases to be when it hits and damages an enemy, but some projectiles have (or can be modified to have) the property of 'Piercing' - and will keep on hitting and doing damage to an enemy while in contact with it. Projectiles with a Trigger or Timer payload will also release that payload repeatedly for each time they hit - at no extra mana cost. Penetrating is a similar effect, but allows only a single hit per target.

Damage Types

Main article: Damage Types

Many spells and hazards in Noita inflict damage, and damage comes in different types - e.g. Fire Damage Fire, Ice Damage Ice, Melee Damage Melee, etc. The ones which don't are either non-damaging utility spells or transformation types.

Spell List By Type

There are 422 spells in Noita, categorised into 8 types. A spell's type gives you a rough idea of how it behaves, and determines if and how a given spell can interact with spell-copying spells (like the Greek Letters and Add Trigger).

All spell types can be copied using Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, Tau and Omega.

Projectile Spells

There are 122 Projectile type spells.

Projectile type spells can also be copied using Phi.

Noita spell icon for ???
Noita spell icon for Acid Ball
A terrifying acidic projectile
Noita spell icon for Black Hole
A slow orb of void that eats through all obstacles
Noita spell icon for Black Hole with Death Trigger
A slow orb of void that eats through all obstacles and casts another spell as it expires
Noita spell icon for Bomb
Summons a bomb that destroys ground very efficiently
Noita spell icon for Bomb Cart
Summons a self-propeled mine cart loaded with explosives
Noita spell icon for Bubble Spark
A bouncy, inaccurate spell
Noita spell icon for Bubble Spark With Trigger
A bouncy, inaccurate spell that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Burst Of Air
A brittle burst of air capable of greatly pushing objects
Noita spell icon for Chain Bolt
Fires a mysterious bolt that jumps from enemy to enemy
Noita spell icon for Chainsaw
A good tool for cutting meat. Also has some magical properties...
Noita spell icon for Cursed Sphere
A projectile that brings bad luck to anyone it hits
Noita spell icon for Deadly Heal
A projectile that at first deals damage, then heals over time
Noita spell icon for Death Cross
A deadly energy cross that explodes after a short time
Noita spell icon for Giga Death Cross
A giant, deadly energy cross that explodes after a short time
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam Cross
Four deadly plasma beams in a cross-shape. Look out, they can hurt you as well!
Noita spell icon for Digging Blast
More powerful digging
Noita spell icon for Digging Bolt
A bolt that is ideal for mining operations
Noita spell icon for Dormant Crystal
A crystal that explodes when caught in an explosion
Noita spell icon for Dormant Crystal With Trigger
A crystal that explodes and casts another spell when caught in an explosion
Noita spell icon for Dropper Bolt
A very heavy explosive bolt
Noita spell icon for Dynamite
Summons a small explosive
Noita spell icon for Earthquake
Calls the anger of the earth
Noita spell icon for Eldritch Portal
Summons a one-way portal to a sinister realm
Noita spell icon for Energy Orb
A slow but powerful orb of energy
Noita spell icon for Energy Orb With A Trigger
A slow but powerful orb of energy that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Energy Orb With A Timer
A slow but powerful orb of energy that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Expanding Sphere
A slow projectile that increases its damage over time
Noita spell icon for Fireball
A powerful exploding spell
Noita spell icon for Firebolt
A bouncy, explosive bolt
Noita spell icon for Firebolt With Trigger
A bouncy, explosive bolt that that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Large Firebolt
A more powerful version of Firebolt
Noita spell icon for Giant Firebolt
The most powerful version of Firebolt
Noita spell icon for Odd Firebolt
A somewhat peculiar bouncy, explosive bolt
Noita spell icon for Firebomb
Slow, fiery bolt
Noita spell icon for Fireworks!
A fiery, explosive projectile
Noita spell icon for Flamethrower
A stream of fire!!
Noita spell icon for Glitter Bomb
Summons a bomb that explodes into volatile fragments
Noita spell icon for Glowing Lance
A magical lance that cuts through soft materials
Noita spell icon for Glue Ball
A projectile that explodes into a sticky mess
Noita spell icon for Healing Bolt
A magical bolt that heals other beings
Noita spell icon for Holy Lance
A fast-flying, penetrating lance that glows with power
Noita spell icon for Holy Bomb
Summons a bomb that... well...
Noita spell icon for Giga Holy Bomb
Bigger and therefore holier
Noita spell icon for Hookbolt
A glowing hook that pulls the caster towards itself upon collision
Noita spell icon for Iceball
A magical ball of frozen fire
Noita spell icon for Concentrated Light
A pinpointed beam of light
Noita spell icon for Lightning Bolt
The primordial force of nature
Noita spell icon for Thunder Charge
A projectile with immense stored electricity
Noita spell icon for Ball Lightning
Summons three short range electrical orbs
Noita spell icon for Luminous Drill
A pinpointed, short-ranged beam of concentrated light
Noita spell icon for Luminous Drill With Timer
A pinpointed, short-ranged beam of concentrated light that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Magic Arrow
A handy magical arrow
Noita spell icon for Magic Arrow With Trigger
A magical arrow that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Magic Arrow With Timer
A magical arrow that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Magic Bolt
A powerful magical bolt
Noita spell icon for Magic Bolt With Trigger
A powerful magical bolt that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Magic Bolt With Timer
A powerful magical bolt that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Magic Guard
Four guarding lights rotate around you for a time
Noita spell icon for Big Magic Guard
Eight guarding lights rotate around you for a time
Noita spell icon for Magic Missile
A fiery, explosive projectile
Noita spell icon for Large Magic Missile
A more powerful version of Magic missile
Noita spell icon for Giant Magic Missile
The most powerful version of Magic missile
Noita spell icon for Meteor
A destructive projectile from the skies!
Noita spell icon for Blood Mist
A cloud of blood mist
Noita spell icon for Mist Of Spirits
A cloud of potent alcohol
Noita spell icon for Slime Mist
A cloud of slimy mist
Noita spell icon for Toxic Mist
A cloud of toxic mist
Noita spell icon for Flock Of Ducks
Summons a chaotic flock of spicy ducks
Noita spell icon for Freezing Gaze
A heart-freezingly sinister aura
Noita spell icon for Intense Concentrated Light
A spectral wand is summoned that casts a huge beam of light
Noita spell icon for Triplicate Bolt
A formation of three small, fast bolts
Noita spell icon for Infestation
A bunch of magical sparks that fly in every direction
Noita spell icon for Nuke
Take cover!
Noita spell icon for Giga Nuke
What do you expect?
Noita spell icon for Path Of Dark Flame
A trail of dark, deadly flames
Noita spell icon for Pinpoint Of Light
An extremely concentrated point of light that explodes after a moment
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam
An instantaneous, dangerous beam of light
Noita spell icon for Plasma Cutter
A plasma beam specialized in cutting materials!
Noita spell icon for Pollen
A small, floating projectile that homes towards nearby creatures
Noita spell icon for Prickly Spore Pod
Summons a spore pod that attaches to a surface and then grows and explodes into spikes
Noita spell icon for Propane Tank
Summons a propane tank. Be careful what you wish for.
Noita spell icon for Random Projectile Spell
Casts one random projectile spell
Noita spell icon for Rock
Create a mighty rock out of thin air
Noita spell icon for Disc Projectile
Summons a sharp disc projectile
Noita spell icon for Giga Disc Projectile
Summons a large, serrated disc with a curious flight pattern
Noita spell icon for Summon Omega Sawblade
That's a lot of sawblade
Noita spell icon for Slimeball
A dripping ball of poisonous slime
Noita spell icon for Spark Bolt
A weak but enchanting sparkling projectile
Noita spell icon for Spark Bolt With Trigger
A spark bolt that casts another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Spark Bolt With Double Trigger
A spark bolt that casts two new spells upon collision
Noita spell icon for Spark Bolt With Timer
A spark bolt that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Arrow
Summons an arrow
Noita spell icon for Bouncing Burst
A very bouncy projectile
Noita spell icon for Energy Sphere
A fast, arcing projectile
Noita spell icon for Energy Sphere With Timer
A fast, arcing projectile that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Spiral Shot
A mystical whirlwind of magic sparks
Noita spell icon for Spitter Bolt
A short-lived magical bolt
Noita spell icon for Spitter Bolt With Timer
A short-lived magical bolt that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Large Spitter Bolt
A more powerful version of Spitter Bolt
Noita spell icon for Large Spitter Bolt With Timer
A more powerful version of Spitter Bolt that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Giant Spitter Bolt
The most powerful version of Spitter Bolt
Noita spell icon for Giant Spitter Bolt With Timer
The most powerful version of Spitter Bolt that casts another spell after a timer runs out
Noita spell icon for Summon Deercoy
Summons a seemingly-innocuous deer
Noita spell icon for Summon Egg
Summons an egg that houses a friendly creature
Noita spell icon for Summon Explosive Box
Summons a box of explosive matter
Noita spell icon for Summon Large Explosive Box
Summons a large box of explosive matter
Noita spell icon for Summon Fish
Noita spell icon for Summon Hollow Egg
Summons an otherwise empty egg that casts a spell upon cracking open
Noita spell icon for Summon Missile
A missile!!!
Noita spell icon for Summon Rock Spirit
Summons an autonomous rock ally
Noita spell icon for Summon Tentacle
Calls a terrifying appendage from another dimension
Noita spell icon for Summon Tentacle With Timer
Calls a terrifying appendage from another dimension! Comes with a timer
Noita spell icon for Homebringer Teleport Bolt
Brings the target hit closer to you
Noita spell icon for Return
After a period of time, you'll be returned to where you cast this spell
Noita spell icon for Swapper
It was theorized that the source of qualia would be transferred ...But it turns out it was the whole body all along.
Noita spell icon for Teleport Bolt
A magical bolt that moves you wherever it ends up flying
Noita spell icon for Small Teleport Bolt
A shortlived magical bolt that moves you wherever it ends up flying
Noita spell icon for Unstable Crystal
A crystal that explodes when someone comes nearby
Noita spell icon for Unstable Crystal With Trigger
A crystal that explodes and casts another spell when someone comes nearby
Noita spell icon for White Hole
An orb of positive energy that destroys everything in its path
Noita spell icon for Worm Launcher
Summons a giant worm to cause havoc for a moment!

Static Projectile Spells

There are 45 Static Projectile type spells.

Static Projectile type spells can also be copied using Sigma.

Noita spell icon for Horizontal Barrier
A thin, horizontal barrier that harms passing creatures, including you
Noita spell icon for Vertical Barrier
A thin, vertical barrier that harms passing creatures, including you
Noita spell icon for Square Barrier
A thin, square-shaped barrier that harms passing creatures, including you
Noita spell icon for Circle of Buoyancy
A field of levitative magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Displacement
A field of teleportative magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Fervour
A field of berserk magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Shielding
A field of protective magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Stillness
A field of freezing magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Thunder
A field of electrifying magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Transmogrification
A field of sheep-like magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
A field of transformative magic
Noita spell icon for Circle of Vigour
A field of regenerative magic
Noita spell icon for Rain Cloud
Creates a watery weather phenomenon
Noita spell icon for Oil Cloud
Creates a rain of oil
Noita spell icon for Blood Cloud
Creates a rain of blood
Noita spell icon for Acid Cloud
Creates a rain of acid
Noita spell icon for Thundercloud
Creates a thundercloud
Noita spell icon for Destruction
Instantly decimates foes around you, at the cost of your HP
Noita spell icon for Explosive Detonator
All nearby explosive spells cast by you instantly detonate
Noita spell icon for Glittering Field
Small explosions appear randomly over a large area
Noita spell icon for Matosade
"Alea iacta est"
Noita spell icon for Meteorisade
"Alea iacta est"
Noita spell icon for Summon Fly Swarm
Summons five flies to aid you in battle
Noita spell icon for Summon Firebug Swarm
Summons four fire bugs to aid you in battle
Noita spell icon for Summon Wasp Swarm
Summon six wasps to aid you in battle
Noita spell icon for Delayed Spellcast
A static, magical phenomenon that casts 3 extra spells after a short while
Noita spell icon for Projectile Gravity Field
Projectiles caught within the field are attracted towards its center
Noita spell icon for Projectile Thunder Field
Projectiles caught within the field transform into blasts of lightning
Noita spell icon for Projectile Transmutation Field
Projectiles caught within the field transform into harmless critters
Noita spell icon for Random Static Projectile Spell
Casts one random static projectile spell
Noita spell icon for Giga Black Hole
A growing orb of negative energy that destroys everything in its reach
Noita spell icon for Giga White Hole
A growing orb of positive energy that destroys everything in its reach
Noita spell icon for Omega Black Hole
Even light dies eventually...
Noita spell icon for Explosion
A powerful explosion!
Noita spell icon for Explosion of Brimstone
A fiery explosion!
Noita spell icon for Explosion of Poison
An alchemical explosion!
Noita spell icon for Explosion of Spirits
An inebriating explosion
Noita spell icon for Explosion of Thunder
An electric explosion
Noita spell icon for Magical Explosion
A large explosion that doesn't damage the ground
Noita spell icon for Omega White Hole
A massive orb of positive energy that destroys everything in its reach
Noita spell icon for Summon Friendly Fly
Summons a friendly fly that attacks your enemies!
Noita spell icon for Liquid Vacuum Field
Sucks liquid materials nearby and releases them upon expiring
Noita spell icon for Powder Vacuum Field
Sucks powder-like materials nearby and releases them upon expiring
Noita spell icon for Vacuum Field
Sucks nearby projectiles and creatures into the middle of the field instantaneously

Passive Spells

There are 5 Passive type spells.

Noita spell icon for Energy Shield
Deflects incoming projectiles
Noita spell icon for Energy Shield Sector
Deflects incoming projectiles
Noita spell icon for Summon Tiny Ghost
Summons a tiny ethereal being to your help
Noita spell icon for Electric Torch
Gives your wand a bright but very dangerous light!
Noita spell icon for Torch
Lights your wand right up!

Utility Spells

There are 25 Utility type spells.

Noita spell icon for All-Seeing Eye
See into the unexplored. But not everywhere...
Noita spell icon for Blood Magic
Reduces a spell's mana cost and recharge time greatly, at the costs of four health points
Noita spell icon for Inner Spell
Causes a projectile to be cast from where the player is standing
Noita spell icon for Iplicate Spell
Casts a copy of a projectile behind you, but the copy still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Yplicate Spell
Casts a copy of a projectile in a bifurcated pattern, but the copy still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Tiplicate Spell
Casts copies of a projectile above and below you, but the copies still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Wuplicate Spell
Casts copies of a projectile in a trifurcated pattern, but the copies still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Quplicate Spell
Casts copies of a projectile in a tetragonal pattern, but the copies still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Peplicate Spell
Casts 5 copies of a projectile in a pentagonal pattern, but the copies still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Heplicate Spell
Casts 6 copies of a projectile in a hexagonal pattern, but the copies still cost mana
Noita spell icon for Long-Distance Cast
Casts a spell some distance away from the caster
Noita spell icon for Teleporting Cast
Casts a spell from the closest enemy
Noita spell icon for Warp Cast
Makes a spell immediately jump a long distance, stopped by walls
Noita spell icon for Spells To Acid
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a pool of acid
Noita spell icon for Spells To Black Holes
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a black hole
Noita spell icon for Spells To Death Crosses
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a death cross
Noita spell icon for Spells To Magic Missiles
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a magic missile
Noita spell icon for Spells To Nukes
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a nuke, not a good idea
Noita spell icon for Spells To Giga Sawblades
Transforms every projectile currently in the air into a giant sawblade
Noita spell icon for Summon Taikasauva
Summons a possessed wand to aid you
Noita spell icon for Summon Platform
Summons a shortlived bit of ground
Noita spell icon for Summon Wall
Summons a shortlived obstacle
Noita spell icon for Blood To Power
A projectile gains additional damage at the cost of 20% of your health
Noita spell icon for Gold To Power
Spends 5% of your current gold and adds damage to a projectile proportional to the amount spent
Noita spell icon for Wand Refresh
Reloads the wand immediately

Projectile Modifier Spells

There are 143 Projectile Modifier type spells.

Projectile Modifier type spells can also be copied using Mu.

Noita spell icon for Clusterbolt
Makes a projectile release a cluster of explosive bolts upon hitting a wall
Noita spell icon for Add Mana
Immediately adds 30 mana to the wand
Noita spell icon for Fire Arc
Creates arcs of fire between projectiles (requires 2 projectile spells)
Noita spell icon for Gunpowder Arc
Creates arcs of gunpowder between projectiles (requires 2 projectile spells)
Noita spell icon for Poison Arc
Creates arcs of poison between projectiles (requires 2 projectile spells)
Noita spell icon for Electric Arc
Creates arcs of lightning between projectiles (requires 2 projectile spells)
Noita spell icon for Downwards Bolt Bundle
Makes a projectile separate into a bundle of 5 explosive bolts as soon as it moves downwards
Noita spell icon for Octagonal Bolt Bundle
Makes a projectile launch 8 magical bolts if it moves slowly enough
Noita spell icon for Bounce
Makes a projectile bounce on impact
Noita spell icon for Bubbly Bounce
Makes a projectile shoot bubble sparks as it bounces
Noita spell icon for Concentrated Light Bounce
Makes a projectile release a bundle of concentrated light as it bounces
Noita spell icon for Remove Bounce
A normally bouncy projectile stops doing so
Noita spell icon for Sparkly Bounce
Makes a projectile release damaging sparks as it bounces
Noita spell icon for Vacuum Bounce
Makes a projectile remove earth as it bounces
Noita spell icon for Explosive Bounce
Any time the projectile would bounce, it also explodes
Noita spell icon for Larpa Bounce
A projectile will launch a copy of itself when it bounces
Noita spell icon for Lightning Bounce
Makes a projectile release powerful lightning as it bounces
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam Bounce
A projectile launches a plasma beam upon bouncing
Noita spell icon for Concentrated Explosion
Limits the radius of a projectile's explosion heavily
Noita spell icon for Critical On Bloody Enemies
Makes a projectile always do a critical hit on bloody enemies
Noita spell icon for Critical On Burning
Makes a projectile always do a critical hit on burning enemies
Noita spell icon for Critical On Oiled Enemies
Makes a projectile always do a critical hit on oiled enemies
Noita spell icon for Critical On Wet (Water) Enemies
Makes a projectile always do a critical hit on wet (water) enemies
Noita spell icon for Critical Plus
Gives a projectile +15% chance of a critical hit
Noita spell icon for Damage Field
Gives a projectile an energy field that constantly deals 3.5 damage to nearby creatures
Noita spell icon for Bloodlust
A projectile gains a hefty damage boost, but is also able to hurt you
Noita spell icon for Damage Plus
Increases the damage done by a projectile
Noita spell icon for Mana To Damage
If the wand has more than 50 mana, all mana over that is converted into additional damage
Noita spell icon for Random Damage
Randomly increases or lowers the damage done by projectiles
Noita spell icon for Null Shot
Increases a projectile's duration dramatically but removes all damage and explosion from it
Noita spell icon for Heavy Shot
Greatly increases the damage done by a projectile, at the cost of its speed
Noita spell icon for Light Shot
Makes a projectile move considerably faster, but deal less damage
Noita spell icon for Earthquake Shot
Makes a projectile crumble the earth it hits
Noita spell icon for Freeze Charge
Gives a projectile a frozen charge, that it will release on impact
Noita spell icon for Electric Charge
Gives a projectile an electric charge, that it will release on impact
Noita spell icon for Explosion On Drunk Enemies
Makes a projectile explode upon collision with creatures covered in alcohol
Noita spell icon for Giant Explosion On Drunk Enemies
Makes a projectile explode powerfully upon collision with creatures covered in alcohol
Noita spell icon for Explosion On Slimy Enemies
Makes a projectile explode upon collision with creatures covered in slime
Noita spell icon for Giant Explosion On Slimy Enemies
Makes a projectile explode powerfully upon collision with creatures covered in slime
Noita spell icon for Charm On Toxic Sludge
Makes a projectile charm creatures covered in toxic sludge
Noita spell icon for Rainbow Glimmer
Gives a projectile a randomly colored sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Invisible Spell
Turns a projectile invisible
Noita spell icon for Blue Glimmer
Gives a projectile a blue sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Green Glimmer
Gives a projectile a green sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Orange Glimmer
Gives a projectile a orange sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Purple Glimmer
Gives a projectile a purple sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Red Glimmer
Gives a projectile a red sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Yellow Glimmer
Gives a projectile a yellow sparkly trail
Noita spell icon for Heavy Spread
Gives a projectile a much lower cast delay, but no respect to your aim
Noita spell icon for Knockback
Gives a projectile the power to knock back the foes it hits
Noita spell icon for Chaos Larpa
Makes a projectile cast copies of itself in random directions
Noita spell icon for Copy Trail
Makes a projectile leave a trail of copies of itself
Noita spell icon for Downwards Larpa
Makes a projectile cast copies of itself with a downwards trajectory
Noita spell icon for Larpa Explosion
A projectile will shoot out 8 copies of itself when it expires or hits the ground
Noita spell icon for Upwards Larpa
Makes a projectile cast copies of itself with an upwards trajectory
Noita spell icon for Chain Spell
Causes a projectile to cast a copy of itself upon expiring, up to 5 times
Noita spell icon for Increase Lifetime
Increases the lifetime of a spell
Noita spell icon for Nolla
The duration of a projectile is set to zero
Noita spell icon for Reduce Lifetime
Reduces the lifetime of a spell
Noita spell icon for True Orbit
Makes a projectile rotate around the caster like an orbiting planet
Noita spell icon for Light
Makes a projectile illuminate its surroundings
Noita spell icon for Necromancy
Makes corpses of creatures killed by a projectile rise to your aid
Noita spell icon for Fireball Orbit
Makes four fireballs rotate around a projectile
Noita spell icon for Nuke Orbit
Makes four… nukes(?!) rotate around a projectile
Noita spell icon for Sawblade Orbit
Makes four sawblades rotate around a projectile
Noita spell icon for Orbit Larpa
Makes four copies of a projectile rotate around it
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam Orbit
Makes four plasma beams rotate around a projectile
Noita spell icon for Horizontal Path
Forces a projectile on a horizontal path, but increases its damage
Noita spell icon for Linear Arc
Makes a projectile fly only in cardinal or diagonal lines
Noita spell icon for Anti-Gravity
Applies an upwards force to the projectile
Noita spell icon for Gravity
Increases the effect gravity has on a projectile
Noita spell icon for Fly Downwards
Causes a projectile to aim straight downwards a short time after casting
Noita spell icon for Fly Upwards
Causes a projectile to aim straight upwards a short time after casting
Noita spell icon for Orbiting Arc
A projectile orbits the point of its origin
Noita spell icon for Phasing Arc
A projectile flies much slower but teleports short distances over its flight
Noita spell icon for Ping-Pong Path
Makes a projectile fly back and forth
Noita spell icon for Spiral Arc
A projectile flies in a spiralling pattern
Noita spell icon for Chaotic Path
Causes a projectile to chaotically fly wherever it wishes
Noita spell icon for Slithering Path
Makes a projectile move rapidly in a slithering manner, like a snake
Noita spell icon for Aiming Arc
A projectile rotates towards the direction you're aiming
Noita spell icon for Anti Homing
Makes a projectile accelerate away from your foes
Noita spell icon for Auto-Aim
Makes a projectile turns towards the nearest visible enemy
Noita spell icon for Boomerang
Gives a projectile a path that curves towards you
Noita spell icon for Homing
Makes a projectile accelerate towards your foes
Noita spell icon for Rotate Towards Foes
Makes a projectile turn towards your foes
Noita spell icon for Short-range Homing
A projectile flies towards targets when near them
Noita spell icon for Wand Homing
Makes a projectile accelerate towards wands
Noita spell icon for Accelerative Homing
A projectile homes towards enemies at an increasing pace
Noita spell icon for Projectile Area Teleport
If a valid target appears somewhere in the proximity of a projectile, the projectile will teleport right on top of the target
Noita spell icon for Personal Fireball Thrower
Makes a projectile turn the creatures it hits into living fireball throwers
Noita spell icon for Personal Gravity Field
Causes creatures hit by the projectile to gain a gravity well that draws projectiles in; dissipates eventually
Noita spell icon for Personal Tentacler
Makes creatures hit by a projectile grow tentacles in a chaotic manner
Noita spell icon for Personal Lightning Caster
Makes a projectile turn the creatures it hits into living thunderstorms
Noita spell icon for Petrify
Turns a wounded enemy into stone
Noita spell icon for Piercing Shot
Makes a projectile fly through enemies, but harmful to the caster
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam Enhancer
Makes plasma beam spell's beam wider
Noita spell icon for Quantum Split
Makes a projectile split into three projectiles whose existences are entangled
Noita spell icon for Chaos Magic
Makes a projectile launch a random spell (out of a limited selection) when it hits something
Noita spell icon for Random Modifier Spell
Casts one random modifier spell
Noita spell icon for Recoil
Increases the recoil when casting spells
Noita spell icon for Recoil Damper
Reduces the recoil when casting spells
Noita spell icon for Reduce Recharge Time
Reduces the time between spellcasts
Noita spell icon for Reduce Spread
Reduces the spread of a spell
Noita spell icon for Remove Explosion
Makes a projectile no longer explode
Noita spell icon for Slow But Steady
The reload time of the wand is set to exactly 1.5 seconds
Noita spell icon for Accelerating Shot
Causes a projectile to accelerate as it flies
Noita spell icon for Decelerating Shot
Makes a projectile decelerate as it flies
Noita spell icon for Fizzle
Gives a spell a small probability of short-circuiting
Noita spell icon for Projectile Energy Shield
Gives a projectile a shield that deflects other projectiles
Noita spell icon for Speed Up
Increases the speed at which a projectile flies through the air
Noita spell icon for Avoiding Arc
Makes a projectile shy away from obstacles
Noita spell icon for Drilling Shot
Gives a projectile the power to go through the ground
Noita spell icon for Firecrackers
Makes a projectile release firecrackers when it disappears
Noita spell icon for Floating Arc
Makes a projectile float above the ground
Noita spell icon for Matter Eater
Makes a projectile eat the environment as it flies
Noita spell icon for Explosive Projectile
Makes a projectile more destructive to the environment
Noita spell icon for Fireball Thrower
Makes a projectile cast fireballs in random directions
Noita spell icon for Lightning Thrower
Makes a projectile cast lightning in random directions
Noita spell icon for Tentacler
Makes a projectile cast tentacles in random directions
Noita spell icon for Two-Way Fireball Thrower
Makes a projectile fire small fireballs perpendicular to its trajectory
Noita spell icon for Plasma Beam Thrower
A projectile fires beams of light in random directions
Noita spell icon for Essence to Power
Increases a projectile's damage based on the number of creatures nearby
Noita spell icon for Spells To Power
Converts any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage
Noita spell icon for Acid Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of acid
Noita spell icon for Burning Trail
Gives a projectile a tail of fire
Noita spell icon for Fire Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of fiery particles
Noita spell icon for Gunpowder Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of gunpowder
Noita spell icon for Oil Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of oil
Noita spell icon for Poison Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of poison
Noita spell icon for Rainbow Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of rainbow
Noita spell icon for Water Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of water
Noita spell icon for Blood To Acid
Makes any blood within a projectile's range turns into acid
Noita spell icon for Chaotic Transmutation
Transmutes various liquids and powdery substances within a projectile's range into something else
Noita spell icon for Ground To Sand
Makes any hard, solid materials within a projectile's range turn into sand
Noita spell icon for Lava To Blood
Makes any lava within a projectile's range turn into blood
Noita spell icon for Liquid Detonation
Converts nearby nonmagical liquids into explosive gunpowder
Noita spell icon for Toxic Sludge To Acid
Makes any toxic sludge within a projectile's range turn into acid
Noita spell icon for Water To Poison
Makes any water within a projectile's range turns into poison
Noita spell icon for Weakening Curse - Electricity
Target hit by a projectile takes 25% extra electricity damage for a time
Noita spell icon for Weakening Curse - Explosives
Target hit by a projectile takes 25% extra explosion damage for a time
Noita spell icon for Weakening Curse - Melee
Target hit by a projectile takes 25% extra melee damage for a time
Noita spell icon for Weakening Curse - Projectiles
Target hit by a projectile takes 25% extra projectile damage for a time
Noita spell icon for Venomous Curse
Imbues a projectile with a curse that makes the target hit by the projectile to waste away

Material Spells

There are 26 Material type spells.

Noita spell icon for Touch of Gold?
Transmutes everything in a short radius into urine, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch of Grass
Transmutes everything in a short radius into Earth, including walls, creatures... and you. Unless…
Noita spell icon for Chunk Of Soil
Don't soil yourself
Noita spell icon for Circle of Fire
An expanding circle of burning air
Noita spell icon for Circle of Acid
An expanding circle of dripping acid
Noita spell icon for Circle of Oil
An expanding circle of slick oil
Noita spell icon for Circle of water
An expanding circle of water
Noita spell icon for Acid
Transmute drops of acid from nothing
Noita spell icon for Blood
Blood blood blood
Noita spell icon for Cement
Transmute drops of wet cement from nothing
Noita spell icon for Oil
Transmute drops of oil from nothing
Noita spell icon for Water
Transmute drops of water from nothing
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Lava
Summons a large body of lava below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Alcohol
Summons a large body of tasty alcohol below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Oil
Summons a large body of oil below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Water
Summons a large body of water below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Acid
Summons a large body of acid below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea Of Flammable Gas
Summons a large body of flammable gas below the caster
Noita spell icon for Summon Swamp
Summons a large swamp below the caster
Noita spell icon for Sea of Mimicium
Summons a large body of mimicium under the caster
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Blood
Transmutes everything in a short radius into blood, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Gold
Transmutes everything in a short radius into gold, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Oil
Transmutes everything in a short radius into oil, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Smoke
Transmutes everything in a short radius into smoke, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Spirits
Transmutes everything in a short radius into alcohol, including walls, creatures... and you
Noita spell icon for Touch Of Water
Transmutes everything in a short radius into water, including walls, creatures... and you

Multicast Spells

There are 14 Multicast type spells.

Noita spell icon for Double Spell
Simultaneously casts 2 spells
Noita spell icon for Triple Spell
Simultaneously casts 3 spells
Noita spell icon for Quadruple Spell
Simultaneously casts 4 spells
Noita spell icon for Octuple Spell
Simultaneously cast 8 spells
Noita spell icon for Myriad Spell
Simultaneously casts as many spells as you have left uncast in your wand
Noita spell icon for Double Scatter Spell
Simultaneously casts 2 spells with low accuracy
Noita spell icon for Triple Scatter Spell
Simultaneously casts 3 spells with low accuracy
Noita spell icon for Quadruple Scatter Spell
Simultaneously casts 4 spells with low accuracy
Noita spell icon for Formation - Behind Your Back
Casts two spells: one ahead of and one behind the caster
Noita spell icon for Formation - Above And Below
Casts 3 spells - ahead, above and below the caster
Noita spell icon for Formation - Pentagon
Casts 5 spells in a pentagonal pattern
Noita spell icon for Formation - Hexagon
Casts 6 spells in a hexagonal pattern
Noita spell icon for Formation - Bifurcated
Casts 2 spells in a bifurcated pattern
Noita spell icon for Formation - Trifurcated
Casts 3 spells in a trifurcated pattern

Other Spells

There are 42 Other type spells.

Noita spell icon for Cessation
The caster enters the realm of no realm
Noita spell icon for Add Trigger
Makes a projectile cast another spell upon collision
Noita spell icon for Add Timer
Makes a projectile cast another spell after a short time
Noita spell icon for Add Expiration Trigger
Makes a projectile cast another spell upon expiring
Noita spell icon for Divide By 2
Casts the next spell 2 times, but with reduced damage
Noita spell icon for Divide By 3
Casts the next spell 3 times, but with reduced damage
Noita spell icon for Divide By 4
Casts the next spell 4 times, but with reduced damage
Noita spell icon for Divide By 10
Casts the next spell 10 times, but with reduced damage
Noita spell icon for Alpha
Casts a copy of the first spell in your wand
Noita spell icon for Gamma
Casts a copy of the last spell in your wand
Noita spell icon for Mu
Every modifier-type spell in the current wand is applied to a projectile
Noita spell icon for Omega
Casts copies of every spell in your wand
Noita spell icon for Phi
Casts a copy of every projectile-type spell in the current wand
Noita spell icon for Sigma
Copies every static projectile -type spell in the wand when cast
Noita spell icon for Tau
Copies the two following spells in the wand when cast
Noita spell icon for Zeta
Copies a random spell in another wand you're holding
Noita spell icon for Kantele - Note A
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Kantele - Note D
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Kantele - Note D+
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Kantele - Note E
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Kantele - Note G
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note A
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note B
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note C
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note D
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note E
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note F
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note G+
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Ocarina - Note A2
Music for your ears!
Noita spell icon for Random Spell
Casts a spell, any spell, at random!
Noita spell icon for Copy Random Spell
Casts a random spell among the spells in your wand
Noita spell icon for Copy Random Spell Thrice
Casts a random spell among the spells in your wand three times!
Noita spell icon for Copy Three Random Spells
Casts three random spells among the spells in your wand
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Projectile Spells
The next spell is skipped if there are less than 20 projectiles nearby
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Low Health
The next spell is skipped if you have more than 25% health left
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Enemies
The next spell is skipped if there are less than 15 enemies nearby
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Every Other
The next spell is skipped every other time this spell is cast
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Otherwise
If a Requirement spell before this succeeds, the next spell is skipped
Noita spell icon for Requirement - Endpoint
Any Requirement spells before this will skip all spells between them and this spell
Noita spell icon for Spell Duplication
Duplicates every spell cast before it
Noita spell icon for Summon Portal
Summons a strange portal
Noita spell icon for The End Of Everything
You're heavily advised not to cast this spell.


Though mechanically the 'variances' are separate, distinct spells, you might consider the following properties as 'modifiers' that are applied to those spells.

Icon Suffix Effect
Timer.png With Timer Timers cast the next spell in the wand, from the projectile after it expires (a certain time elapses) or when it is destroyed (such as upon impact), whichever occurs first.
Trigger.png With Trigger Triggers cast the next spell in the wand, from the projectile upon impact.
Double Trigger.png With Double Trigger Double Trigger casts the next two spells in the wand, from the projectile upon impact. Comparable to a (single) trigger followed by Double Spell. Spark Bolt With Double Trigger is the only spell currently in Noita with this 'suffix'.


  • Wands that have an electrical spell on them will become electrified. If the wand is in contact with a conductive material for a few seconds, such as metals or liquids, it will send an electric current through that material, potentially electrocuting the wand-holder.
  • Long-range spells with a Trigger or Timer can be used to cast potentially harmful spells (such as the "Touch of [X]" spells, Earthquake, explosions, spells involving hazardous liquids, etc.) at a safe distance away from yourself.
  • "Formation" and "Multicast" modifiers can be used in combination with spells with a Trigger or Timer modifier, allowing you to cast multiple spells from a single Trigger or Timer spell. This might be referred to as the "payload".
  • Placing a modifier or multicast spell at the very end of a wand's queue will result in the wand casting spells from earlier in the queue with the modifier/multicast applied.
  • Spells with Trigger or Timer modifiers can be used to bypass the cast delay on spells such as Lightning Bolt, allowing for deadly rapid fire combinations.


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Utility Spells - Noita - B.I.G. - Nympshpyre


  1. If the damage is more than 9 quintillion, the interface can't show the number
  2. Noita typically runs at 60fps, so the conversion rate is 1/60. A spell with a lifetime of 200 frames will last for: 200 / 60 = ~3.33s.

See also