Reduce Recharge Time

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Reduce Recharge Time is a projectile modifier spell which reduces both the recharge time of the entire wand and the cast delay of the spell it's attached to.


  • While expensive to use, this modifier can improve the fire rate of any wand. Usually works best early in the wand slot list.
  • Is essentially the counterpart to Increase Mana, as that spell increases cast delay but reduces mana usage.
    • Assuming you have enough wand slots and copies of the spells, using two Reduce Recharge Time for every one Increase Mana will break even on mana usage but have a net decrease in cast delay.


  • Apr 8 2024: Changed the spawn probabilities on tiers 1, 2, 4, and 6 from 1 to 0.8, 0.9, 0.8, and 0.9 respectively.
  • Nov 5 2019: Reduced mana cost from 15 to 12.