Dormant Crystal

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Dormant Crystal is a projectile spell that spawns a solid pink crystal that falls to the ground. It explodes if it takes enough damage or Explosive Detonator is used.

Dormant Crystal With Trigger is a trigger variant of the spell which activates the trigger when the crystal explodes.

When the crystal explodes, heavy Explosion Damage Explosion damage is dealt. Both variants have 20 uses.


  • The extra action needed to make full use of this spell means that you will have to more or less dedicate 2 wands just for this effect alone. This is unless you set both in sequence with the crystal before the detonation spell on a non-shuffle wand. Bear in mind that wands reset when deselected and will start from the first spell in the chain again.
  • You can, however, combine Unstable Crystals with it in a multicast for more destructive power in a single proximity-triggered attack.
  • Kills caused by the explosion count as trick kills.
  • Combining Chaotic Transmutation with a dormant crystal, can create a useful tool for transforming materials. Each cast will create a crystal with a different effect. This crystal can be moved around the world with a kuu.
  • Casting many Crystals can be used as a setup step for a Spells To Power wand build.
  • While Dormant Crystal With Trigger's name and graphic suggests that it is a Trigger spell, it is actually an Expiration Trigger. Using Add Trigger with Dormant Crystal will give the normal behavior of Trigger spells; this trigger will release the payload every time it hits an enemy and does not deactivate on collision with enemies, but does appear to deactivate on collision with terrain.
  • Combined with Homing and Boomerang, will hover close to enemies but cut off a straight line of fire, doubling as a shield.


Depositing a few Dormant Crystals and detonating them with an Explosive Detonator spell on another wand.
Blowing up Dormant Crystals by shooting them.
Throwing Dormant Crystal at a Holy Mountain statue.
Detonating Dormant Crystal with Explosive Detonator in a Holy Mountain.

See Also


  • Apr 8 2024:
    • Reduced the spawn probability of Dormant Crystal on tier 4 from 1 to 0.6.
    • Reduced the spawn probability of Dormant Crystal with Trigger on tier 2 from 1 to 0.6.
    • Reduced the spawn probability of Dormant Crystal with Trigger on tier 3 from 1 to 0.8.
    • Reduced the spawn probability of Dormant Crystal with Trigger on tier 5 from 1 to 0.8.