Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis

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Circle Of Magic Spells
Circle of Buoyancy
Circle of Buoyancy
A field of levitative magic
Circle of Buoyancy
Circle of Displacement
Circle of Displacement
A field of teleportative magic
Circle of Displacement
Circle of Fervour
Circle of Fervour
A field of berserk magic
Circle of Fervour
Circle of Shielding
Circle of Shielding
A field of protective magic
Circle of Shielding
Circle of Stillness
Circle of Stillness
A field of freezing magic
Circle of Stillness
Circle of Thunder
Circle of Thunder
A field of electrifying magic
Circle of Thunder
Circle of Transmogrification
Circle of Transmogrification
A field of sheep-like magic
Circle of Transmogrification
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
A field of transformative magic
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
Circle of Vigour
Circle of Vigour
A field of regenerative magic
Circle of Vigour
Static projectile spells that conjure a small field of magic with varying properties.

Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis is a static projectile spell that erects a circular field of volatile transformative magic, applying Effect polymorph random.png Chaos polymorph which turns creatures inside into something else. It does not affect you unless using Piercing Shot; it also does not affect you if using Piercing Shot together with Nolla. Transformed creatures may drop gold nuggets or other drops typical for the form they have turned into.


Preserves the Effect charm.png Charmed status of creatures from Summon Egg; requires Piercing Shot to be able to apply to them. E.g., to summon an egg "containing" one or two random charmed creatures that turns into charmed Hurtta after some time:

Wand 0821.png
Add Expiration Trigger
Summon Egg
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Spiral Arc
Delayed Spellcast
Digging Blast
Digging Blast
Piercing Shot
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis

Here, the Reduce Lifetimes and Spiral Arc are used for timing adjustments to roughly match the delay between an egg breaking and the summoned creature hatching, while the Digging Blasts are to prevent unintended spell wrapping. (For the tightest possible timing, use an Increase Duration and Chain Spell in place of the Spiral Arc.) If unwanted dangerous creatures are produced and one is outside of battle, one can simply wait for unwanted creatures to revert to Hurtta. They can also be pared down more quickly without generating blood, corpses, or retaliation, but possibly producing hit-triggered switching and death-triggered explosions and hostile summons, using a wand such as the following:

Wand 0821.png
Add Expiration Trigger
Double Spell
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Venomous Curse
Healing Bolt

Replacing the Venomous Curse here with an Electric Charge here allows one to obtain desirable corpses without retaliation, but with a little blood and dangerous death triggers. This may be useful for obtaining gold and Stinky Meat. (Unfortunately, Circle of Transmogrification does not work on any of these already-polymorphed creatures, so automatically filtering down to a small set of creature types including Muodonmuutosmestari, the most notable of which is the set of polymorph-immune creature types, may not be simple.)

Special properties of Mists and certain damage types assist in making cleaner, more robust farms and harvesting. E.g., the following design deals with some annoying creatures such as Ukkoshyypiö while leaving some useful ones such as Turvattomuusmestari and Haavoittajamestari, though it does not filter all threatening creatures and can anger them (e.g., Maadoittajamestari, Skoude), the lack of a Drilling Shot can deactivate the mists prematurely, and the low fire rate and mists preventing eggs from breaking slows things down, and other annoyances such as creature explosions remain.

Wand 0821.png
Add Expiration Trigger
Summon Egg
Add Expiration Trigger
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Increase Lifetime
Orbiting Arc
Digging Blast
Add Trigger
Piercing Shot
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
Double Spell
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Critical Plus
Add Trigger
Piercing Shot
Electric Charge
Slime Mist

Other summoning spells can also be used to feed random creature generators, including those from Projectile Transmutation Field. This enables other approaches to farming drops more convenient than dealing with Summon Eggs. E.g., to use a Spark Bolt With Timer positioned to go off in mid-air, summoning a random hostile creature, eliminating lower-health ones immediately and leaving corpses, and some higher-health ones without leaving corpses, reducing terrain destruction from on-death explosions, but not handling some annoyances such as creatures with shields, on-hit swapping, on-death material and hostile mob generation, and lag accumulation between trips to pick up gold:

Wand 0821.png
Spark Bolt With Timer
Add Expiration Trigger
Projectile Transmutation Field
Add Expiration Trigger
Piercing Shot
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis
Triple Spell
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Electric Charge
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Divide By 10
Venomous Curse
Circle of Stillness

Summon Deercoy can also be polyed, and keep the limited lifetime and explosion on death. Alternative farm wand build using deercoy:

Wand 0821.png
Add Trigger
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Ping-Pong Path
Linear Arc
Delayed Spellcast
Add Timer
Fly Upwards
Double Spell
Concentrated Light
Heavy Shot
Increase Lifetime
Weakening Curse - Projectiles
Blood To Power
Long-Distance Cast
Double Spell
Piercing Shot
Summon Deercoy
Circle of Unstable Metamorphosis

Some of these components may be useful in building dedicated gold, Teleportatium, Stinky Meat, or other farming wands. Unloading non-charmed, polymorphed enemies (e.g., by mod restarting or by quickly moving far away from them) will make their polymorph permanent, so permanent living enemies of certain kinds can be summoned as well.

As of the 2023-03-11 patch, creatures can (once again) polymorph into Jalkamatkatavara if one has been killed before, enabling one to build a Leggy Mutation farm (with less care than required for building a meat farm), which, paired with perk reroll machines, provides at least a limited form of general perk farm.


The spell cast using a spark bolt trigger, turning an alchemist into a fish

See Also