Projectile Transmutation Field

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Projectile Field Spells
Projectile Gravity Field
Projectile Gravity Field
Projectiles caught within the field are attracted towards its center
Projectile Gravity Field
Projectile Thunder Field
Projectile Thunder Field
Projectiles caught within the field transform into blasts of lightning
Projectile Thunder Field
Projectile Transmutation Field
Projectile Transmutation Field
Projectiles caught within the field transform into harmless critters
Projectile Transmutation Field
Static projectile spells that conjure a field of magic that modifies all projectiles that pass through it.

Projectile Transmutation Field is a static projectile spell that creates a mystical field that turns all projectiles it comes into contact with it into animals.


  • A defensive spell that can be used to block off vectors of projectile attack, allowing you to either escape or move in closer. It is effective against rapid-fire enemies that can easily stunlock you like the robottikyttä or KK-tankki.
  • Will render projectile shooting enemies harmless when they are caught within the field's radius.
  • The spell can be viewed as a variant of the Circle of Shielding, fulfilling much the same combat role. The differences being that this spell doesn't wear down from repeated attacks but also won't allow you to fire out from it.
    • Having the Personal Plasma Beam perk mitigates this, as the laser is unaffected by the spell, allowing you to attack close-range from the safety of the projectile field.
    • Projectiles fired point-blank on top of enemies within the field are not converted.
    • Mists are not converted.
    • Explosive Boxes are converted, but still explode.
    • The field itself can deal damage, but only at its very center and once per enemy.
  • As the field only affects projectiles, it can be placed safely without triggers but some extra range with a timer never hurts.



  • Apr 8 2024: Changed the spawn probabilities on tiers 3 and 4 from 0.3 to 0.4.
  • Oct 11 2019: Added to the game.