Electric Torch

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Electric Torch is a spell that makes the wand it's inserted into light up with electrical sparks. These sparks may light fires on combustible materials as well as electrify liquids and metals. As a passive spell, it will constantly be active as long as the wand is selected, and does not interact with your other spells or modifiers in the wand in any way.

It is one of only 4 ways to light up the darkness in the Dark Cave, and the Magical Temple to the west of the Snowy Depths.

Like all Passive spells, it will add one extra "draw" to the cast. If they are placed at the end of a wand they can be used for wrapping.


See Also


Getting through the Dark Cave with electricity immunity
Killing some fish using electricity


  • Apr 8 2024: Changed the spawn probabilities on tiers 0, 1, and 2 from 1 to 0.8, 0.6, and 0.4 respectively.