Note spells

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The note spells are found in 2 different locations, alongside the Kantele and the Huilu (aka Ocarina).

Notes can be used:

  • as part of an attack spell combination (with modifiers to add damage and lifetime),
  • to perform a Musical Curiosity (see below),
  • to unlock a Crystal Key,
  • or just to add sounds to your casts!

Using Notes as attack spells

Note spells are exceptional damage dealers as they deal damage every frame (1 second = 60 frames) with innate player-safe piercing. Its low cost of only 1 mana allows you to easily multiply your damage by multicasting several notes. However, their lifetime is only two frames and they do not deal any damage by default. Adding modifiers to negate these downsides can turn Note spells into some of the most powerful spells in Noita.

Notes are in the "Other" class of spells which means they cannot be used as a trigger. However, Add Trigger spells can still be used in certain ways to transfer free modifier spells by using multicasts (see: Add Trigger#Copying modifiers onto spells of type Other). They also do not scale with Boomerang Spells or Concentrated Spells perks; however, they do gain the damage benefit if paired with normal projectiles. Note: make sure not to accidentally trigger any Musical Curiosities.


A projectile gains a hefty damage boost, but is also able to hurt you
Damage Plus
Damage Plus
Increases the damage done by a projectile
Damage Plus
Heavy Shot
Heavy Shot
Greatly increases the damage done by a projectile, at the cost of its speed
Heavy Shot
Freeze Charge
Freeze Charge
Gives a projectile a frozen charge, that it will release on impact
Freeze Charge
Electric Charge
Electric Charge
Gives a projectile an electric charge, that it will release on impact
Electric Charge

Because a note spell does not have any type of damage, adding damage dealing modifiers is required. Note that most damage modifiers add projectile damage; to diversify, substitute another damage type modifier (e.g. Electric Charge or Freeze Charge). Because of its similar mana costs, a note spell can be easily swapped for a Chainsaw or Digging Bolt to switch to drill or slice damage.

Example 1:
Low mana, high damage

Bloodlust can add a significant amount of damage for a low amount of mana. Because naturally the notes expire within 2 frames, without any lifetime modifiers it is completely safe to use Bloodlust as friendly fire will only enable after 5 frames. Please note that certain perks, like Bouncing Spells, will increase the lifetime of all projectiles and therefore make this unsafe.

Wand 0821.png
Kantele - Note A

Though not the best use of notes, this is a very cheap way to deal high damage at only 3 mana per cast. Notes will not go beyond melee range due to their extremely short lifetime. Adding a simple trigger or timer spell like Spark Bolt with Trigger is necessary to make this wand useful, but this is just to illustrate that you can get huge damage for only 3 mana.

Example 2:
Kantele rapid fire
Wand kantele.png
Add Mana
Double Spell
Spark Bolt With Trigger
Quadruple Scatter Spell
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note D
Quadruple Scatter Spell
Kantele - Note D
Kantele - Note D+
Kantele - Note D+
Quadruple Scatter Spell
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note G
Kantele - Note G

The low mana cost of Bloodlust and note spells allow you to cast all 10 kantele note spells in a single payload, plus a chainsaw to remove cast delay, for a total of only 28 mana, which is entirely negated by a single Add Mana. This low-mana build is excellent for using the Kantele to damage; 10 projectiles doing 33 damage each at an incredibly high rate makes this a wand an incredible build for even late-game; despite only using materials found early-mid game. If you're not using the Kantele/Huilu, the Add Mana is optional and should be placed inside the trigger payload to avoid the cast delay.


Increase Lifetime
Increase Lifetime
Increases the lifetime of a spell
Increase Lifetime
True Orbit
True Orbit
Makes a projectile rotate around the caster like an orbiting planet
True Orbit
Orbiting Arc
Orbiting Arc
A projectile orbits the point of its origin
Orbiting Arc
Phasing Arc
Phasing Arc
A projectile flies much slower but teleports short distances over its flight
Phasing Arc
Ping-Pong Path
Ping-Pong Path
Makes a projectile fly back and forth
Ping-Pong Path
Spiral Arc
Spiral Arc
A projectile flies in a spiralling pattern
Spiral Arc

Adding lifetime will have a significant impact on your damage due to the high tick rate. Orbiting Arc, Spiral Arc, Phasing Arc, and Ping-Pong Path are useful for adding lifetime without costing any mana. Homing modifiers can help keep the projectile on top of the target, helping you get the most out of its extremely high tick rate. The cast delay from Notes can be reduced by firing them as a payload from a trigger/timer spell or simply pairing them with a Chainsaw. Adding lifetime, especially combined with homing, will cause such a huge increase in damage that you'll be able to instantly kill the Holy Mountain statues, which have 30000Icon hp template heart.png.

Example 3:
All you need
Wand 0821.png
Spark Bolt With Trigger
Damage Plus
Increase Lifetime
Short-range Homing
Double Spell
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note A

This wand, though not ideal, shows all the different building blocks you can use to achieve high damage with note spells: damage, lifetime, and homing; and then multiplies that damage with a multicast. Note that each element, aside from multicasts, relies on the previous: Lifetime adds no value without damage, and homing adds no value without lifetime.

Ideal modifiers

Orbiting Arc
Orbiting Arc
A projectile orbits the point of its origin
Orbiting Arc
Spiral Arc
Spiral Arc
A projectile flies in a spiralling pattern
Spiral Arc

The best modifiers for note spell damage are Spiral Arc and Orbiting Arc; they provide both damage and lifetime at 0 mana cost, and are both fairly common, low-tier spells. Ping-Pong Path or Horizontal Path are also good choices that cost 0 mana, but these only add lifetime or damage, rather than both. Phasing Arc is less useful despite also being free and adding lifetime, as the modification to its path will prevent it from hitting the target as often; which defeats the purpose of adding lifetime (though not entirely useless as it can be good for damaging larger groups of enemies). Heavy Shot is also a great option as it adds a lot of damage (even more than Bloodlust), for only 7 mana; while its major downside, slowing the projectile, is irrelevant for spells cast from a trigger payload or with homing modifiers. However, be careful as it adds a lot of recoil. Since even a basic note wand will instantly kill almost any enemy in Noita, the extra damage is usually not necessary and more than likely not worth the risk the recoil will add.

All of the aforementioned spells are incredibly cheap, which together with the low mana cost of note spells make it easy to rapid-fire while using low-mana wands.

Example 4:
Average note damage wand
Wand 0413.png
Double Spell
Spark Bolt With Trigger
Damage Plus
Heavy Shot
Orbiting Arc
Ping-Pong Path
Spiral Arc
Horizontal Path
Linear Arc
Short-range Homing
Formation - Hexagon
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note D
Kantele - Note D
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note E


Notes cast by themselves
Notes cast with beneficial modifiers
Noita Music Note Damage Explained - DunkOrSlam

Musical Curiosity

To activate a Musical Curiosity, a combination of the note spells must be played in a specific order.

Click to show content

It is not required to play the spells with their original instruments; the spells slotted into any wand will work just as well. Notes need to expire 24 pixels or closer to your feet.

Upon completing one of the tunes, you will receive the message:

The world around you changes!

3 musical spells are known to exist, and each of them can be used once per world ( entering NG+ does not reset them). Attempting to activate them again will show the message:

Seems like the musical energy is gone...


The 3 spells are:

Summon Worm
Spawns a Giant Worm near the caster.


Kantele (Wand).png
Inventory Icon gun shuffle.png Shuffle
Inventory Icon gun actions per round.png Spells/Cast
Inventory Icon fire rate wait.png Cast delay
0.22 s
Inventory Icon gun reload time.png Rechrg. Time
0.13 s
Inventory Icon mana max.png Mana max
Inventory Icon mana charge speed.png Mana chg. Spd
Inventory Icon gun capacity.png Capacity
Inventory Icon spread degrees.png Spread
0.0 DEG
Inventory Icon speed multiplier.png Speed
× 1.0
Kantele - Note D
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note D+


Huilu (Wand).png
Inventory Icon gun shuffle.png Shuffle
Inventory Icon gun actions per round.png Spells/Cast
Inventory Icon fire rate wait.png Cast delay
0.22 s
Inventory Icon gun reload time.png Rechrg. Time
0.13 s
Inventory Icon mana max.png Mana max
Inventory Icon mana charge speed.png Mana chg. Spd
Inventory Icon gun capacity.png Capacity
Inventory Icon spread degrees.png Spread
0.0 DEG
Inventory Icon speed multiplier.png Speed
× 1.0
Ocarina - Note G+
Ocarina - Note F
Ocarina - Note E
Ocarina - Note B
Ocarina - Note D
Summon Portal
Creates a one-way portal above the caster, which leads to the peak of the Mountain near the starting area. This is the only bug free way to create a portal in an arbitrary location, although it's not possible to change the destination of the portal and only one can be created.


Kantele (Wand).png
Inventory Icon gun shuffle.png Shuffle
Inventory Icon gun actions per round.png Spells/Cast
Inventory Icon fire rate wait.png Cast delay
0.22 s
Inventory Icon gun reload time.png Rechrg. Time
0.13 s
Inventory Icon mana max.png Mana max
Inventory Icon mana charge speed.png Mana chg. Spd
Inventory Icon gun capacity.png Capacity
Inventory Icon spread degrees.png Spread
0.0 DEG
Inventory Icon speed multiplier.png Speed
× 1.0
Kantele - Note A
Kantele - Note D+
Kantele - Note E
Kantele - Note G


Huilu (Wand).png
Inventory Icon gun shuffle.png Shuffle
Inventory Icon gun actions per round.png Spells/Cast
Inventory Icon fire rate wait.png Cast delay
0.22 s
Inventory Icon gun reload time.png Rechrg. Time
0.13 s
Inventory Icon mana max.png Mana max
Inventory Icon mana charge speed.png Mana chg. Spd
Inventory Icon gun capacity.png Capacity
Inventory Icon spread degrees.png Spread
0.0 DEG
Inventory Icon speed multiplier.png Speed
× 1.0
Ocarina - Note A
Ocarina - Note F
Ocarina - Note D
Ocarina - Note E
Ocarina - Note A2
Summon Bomb


Huilu (Wand).png
Inventory Icon gun shuffle.png Shuffle
Inventory Icon gun actions per round.png Spells/Cast
Inventory Icon fire rate wait.png Cast delay
0.22 s
Inventory Icon gun reload time.png Rechrg. Time
0.13 s
Inventory Icon mana max.png Mana max
Inventory Icon mana charge speed.png Mana chg. Spd
Inventory Icon gun capacity.png Capacity
Inventory Icon spread degrees.png Spread
0.0 DEG
Inventory Icon speed multiplier.png Speed
× 1.0
Ocarina - Note F
Ocarina - Note C
Ocarina - Note D
Ocarina - Note C


In addition to the three musical spells, there is a fourth musical curiosity that involves a combination of Kantele and Huilu songs to be used. See the Crystal Key page for details.


Hints toward these melodies can be found in the world:

  • In the horizontal portion of the tunnel that connect the Snowy Depths to the Lava Lake, there is a mural for one of the melodies:
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