Rainbow Trail

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Trail Spells
Acid Trail
Acid Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of acid
Acid Trail
Burning Trail
Burning Trail
Gives a projectile a tail of fire
Burning Trail
Fire Trail
Fire Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of fiery particles
Fire Trail
Gunpowder Trail
Gunpowder Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of gunpowder
Gunpowder Trail
Oil Trail
Oil Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of oil
Oil Trail
Poison Trail
Poison Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of poison
Poison Trail
Rainbow Trail
Rainbow Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of rainbow
Rainbow Trail
Water Trail
Water Trail
Gives a projectile a trail of water
Water Trail
Projectile modifier spells that add a trail of a material to a projectile as it moves.

Rainbow Trail is a projectile modifier which adds a colourful trail of Rainbow Liquid to projectiles. Hitting an enemy with the spell or drinking the liquid will apply the Effect farts.png Rainbow farts status which emits Unicorn Farts.


Click to show content

Rainbow Trail can only be found on a floating platform, located high in the sky, directly above the Lake Island's wooden figure, in the Main world.

Rainbow trail location.png


  • Because the liquid created by this spell leaves no stain and dissipates quickly, it can be used to quickly remove unwanted stains without risk of flooding the surrounding area. This is particularly useful with the Invisibility and Stainless Armour perks.


Demo rainbow trail.gif
Rainbow trail attached to an Energy Sphere
Noita: Taste the Rainbow (spoilers) - FuryForged
