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Polymorphine is a pink, extremely dangerous magical liquid. It causes any creatures it touches to be stained with Effect polymorph.png Polymorph, turning them into helpless Sheep.


Polymorphine requires very little substance to take effect, only a few pixels are enough to incur a Effect polymorph.png Polymorph stain.

There are three possible variants of Sheep that a creature will turn into, chosen randomly.

Sheep of any type have very little health, and no resistances to any kind of damage, meaning they will usually die when taking any damage.

Enemies can also be polymorphed, but a few are immune, either by immunity to polymorph or by immunity to stains.

Polymorphine can be mixed with Toxic Sludge to create Chaotic Polymorphine. It also has a reaction with Silver, turning it into Copper and evaporating itself.


Acquiring full immunity is possible, but difficult. The only method to be fully (but usually still temporarily) immune to the effects of Polymorphine is to eat the dead body of a Master of Polymorphing. This grants a status effect of Polymorph Immunity. This status effect is known to as of August 2024 be imperfectly implemented, and rarely, immunity fails. On the positive side of that imperfection, this immunity is preserved even if Vulnerable. Therefore, it is ideal to also use the Iron Stomach method detailed below in addition to it. However, before ending discussion on eating polymorphine mages, it is worth noting that if slightly over about 54,000 seconds of this status effect are accumulated, it becomes a pseudo perk: the counter breaks, ceases to decrease, and renders the immunity status effect permanent. Given that this status effect has an immunity perk icon, this may be intentional.

With an optimal farm, accumulating to the breaking point takes about an hour with one mage, and even less time with more. One corpse, fully intact, is about 250 seconds; in other words, slightly over two hundred corpses must be eaten to gather the base amount, plus a farm optimality time tax. A farm can be constructed using one Necrobot, a kill wisp that leaves corpses intact and is stationary so as to not be a threat to the Necrobot, and as many polymorph mages as desired for farm rate increases. One should only begin dining with an active immunity status effect harvested from a safely killed polymorph mage elsewhere. Doing otherwise runs the risk of being sniped in the fractions of a second that nocrobotted polymorph mages exist before such immunity has applied. Any method of boring a holding pen works to hold the enemies; the floor must be thin enough to upwarp them into it if using the low-effort method of a 0 CD and 0 RT damageless machinegun homebringer wand builds to bring the NPCs to the farm's pens. A homebringer wisp works as well but imposes design constraints. At minimum one holding pen must be constructed; Necrobots do not suffocate and so can be upwarped into solid rock and held thus.

Three vessels of equal size feed into a central chamber via pipes of equal width ensuring equal flow and consumption.
A simple design for an Iron Stomach Polymorphine Immunity Farm.

In addition to the polymorph immunity status effect, the Iron Stomach perk can be used to temporarily gain immunity to a particular kind of liquid Polymorphine by drinking it. This only works for the matching kind. Specifically, the percentage of satiation gained from the polymorphine consumed is the countdown of the immunity. The following table shows how this works under the hood.

Time Action Displayed Satiation Under the Hood Notes
0 None 100% Fully Satiated 100% Water, Hiisi, Ducks, Etc Preexisting Satiation can be used to increase overall immunity time.
1 Drank 30% Satiation worth of Polymorphine 120% Oversatiated 90% Misc - 10% Digested

30% Polymorphine (Immune to Sheepification from Polymorphine!)

2 Drank 20% Satiation Unstable Polymorphine 110%Oversatiated 85% Misc - 5% Digested

25% Polymorphine - 5% Digested (Immune!)

20% Unstable (Immune to Hiisification from Unstable!)

3 Drank 20% Satiation Chaotic Polymorphine, but only after waiting a while 100% Fully Satiated 110% Misc - 30% Digested

20% Chaotic Polymorphine (Immune to Chaos Polymorph from Chaotic Poly!)

Downward Satiation Stage changes such as from Choking and Bloated to Minimal move all eating history into Misc unless that history spawned some independently tracked buff like Polymorph Immunity. Therefore the eaten pool became "Misc" and immunity was lost at 100% when Oversatiated became Fully Satiated. It is ideal to remain Choking and Bloated at all times, and to be Choking and Bloated before initiating immunity.
4 Drank 2000% Satiation of each respective type of polymorphine. 6000% 2000% Polymorphine (Immune!)

2000% Unstable Polymorphine (Immune!) 2000% Chaotic Polymorphine (Immune!)

5 Ate a bunch of random things equal to 559% Satiation. 6550% 6000% Misc - 9% Digested

100% Various Hiisi 100% Various Masters 350% Etc

Noita has a limited memory for what you eat overall. A four course meal of Muodonmuutosmestari, and three polymorphine variants fits within this buffer, but if you keep eating other random things after that, you may lose immunity at an inopportune time due to Iron Stomach Poly Immunity being an otherwise untracked buff. This may occur at a seemingly random time or just after eating a meal that overwrites the buffer, it is not currently widely known if the save file and in game buffers are the same size.

The size of this buffer seems to be in the ballpark of 20 items, but verifying this requires testing. This page will be updated when correct information is available with certainty. It is certain that the buffer can store the the four critical required meals without issue. If eating something spawns an independently tracked buff or status effect, no action overwriting the buffer will remove it, so it is perfectly safe to eat Masters of Polymorphing, random items, then finish with polymorphine - just not with an eating order that places random things at the end.

Satiation decays more slowly the more you accumulate. A possible farm for somewhat comprehensive polymorphine immunity by this method is a two stage feeding trough as detailed in the image to the right. Three tanks of equal size are filled first, and a feeding chamber bored under them. When you wish to initiate immunity, cast a spell that opens tunnels of equal width down to a central chamber, and eat. Equal flow rate and equal portion should result in the total immunity only becoming unreliable at the very end of the satiation gained from the process. It is advisable to accumulate as much as possible to exploit slowed satiation decrease. A large time investment in the present will result in less time spent overall in maintenance.

The danger posed by the material forms can also be mitigated by actively deleting it from your vicinity while exploring the world.

Example 1:

Adding one of these spell sequences to your teleport wand will accumulate a liquid-deleting field around you, greatly reducing your chances of becoming a sheep.

Long-Distance Cast
Long-Distance Cast
Casts a spell some distance away from the caster
Long-Distance Cast
Projectile Energy Shield
Projectile Energy Shield
Gives a projectile a shield that deflects other projectiles
Projectile Energy Shield
True Orbit
True Orbit
Makes a projectile rotate around the caster like an orbiting planet
True Orbit
Liquid Vacuum Field
Liquid Vacuum Field
Sucks liquid materials nearby and releases them upon expiring
Liquid Vacuum Field
Long-Distance Cast
Long-Distance Cast
Casts a spell some distance away from the caster
Long-Distance Cast
Matter Eater
Matter Eater
Makes a projectile eat the environment as it flies
Matter Eater
True Orbit
True Orbit
Makes a projectile rotate around the caster like an orbiting planet
True Orbit
Liquid Vacuum Field
Liquid Vacuum Field
Sucks liquid materials nearby and releases them upon expiring
Liquid Vacuum Field
Long-Distance Cast
Long-Distance Cast
Casts a spell some distance away from the caster
Long-Distance Cast
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduces the lifetime of a spell
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduces the lifetime of a spell
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduce Lifetime
Reduces the lifetime of a spell
Reduce Lifetime
True Orbit
True Orbit
Makes a projectile rotate around the caster like an orbiting planet
True Orbit
Liquid Vacuum Field
Liquid Vacuum Field
Sucks liquid materials nearby and releases them upon expiring
Liquid Vacuum Field

These are the three most reliable way ways to gain the most comprehensive immunity possible without external tools. There is a fourth requiring seed analysis or great risk.

It is possible to shift all three variants of the substance into a less dangerous material. To do so without seed analysis, however, risks turning giant portions of the world into polymorphine variants. For example, all water. As multiple shifts are needed to achieve the end goal, this process bears some considerable risk; every shift has at best a 75% of even targeting your desired material, and it may be chosen as what something becomes instead being transformed into something else. And even if you eventually shift all polymorphine variants away, depending on which shifts occurred in which orders, there may still be some danger of being alchemically polymorphed due to broken shift chains, such as ingesting "Polymorphine (Transformed)" from a flask, or being in a Humid biome or near a Vuoksikivi (if water was shifted to a polymorphine variant and then that polymorphine variant shifted away, without overriding this water shift with another). Additionally, this has other alchemical consequences. In short, if you wish to pursues this method, it is wise to either do it as early as possible, analyse your seed, or be at peace with the catastrophic forces that might be unleashed.

Note that no matter what outcome shifting yields, polymorph projectiles will remain effective without the Polymorph Immunity Status, and even that status is not always sufficient to shield you. Investigate perks that prevent projectiles from making contact with you by any means for even more safety.

There are additional types of countermeasures designed to save you after being polymorphed:

  • Poly safety eggs [1][2], based on putting a useful payload inside a hollow egg in your inventory, which will release its payload after you are polymorphed; all carried eggs will be deactivated (yet remain in the inventory) after they trigger on polymorph, so you will need to discard and replace them after each use.
  • Poly safety tentacle wisps [3], which use wisp tech and Add Expiration Trigger + Orbit Larpa (or another appropriate modifier) to achieve behavior similar to a poly safety egg without use of an item slot; note that, like the poly safety eggs, these also are deactivated after you are polymorphed.
  • Poly safety homebringer wisps [4], which orbit you until you are polymorphed and then jump to you and teleport you to a safe, unloaded location. These can also teleport enemies that get very close to you to the destination, but in most cases this is safe, as most enemies will not survive being teleported into an unloaded location.


  • Transformed players do not trigger the Holy Mountain's collapse when leaving or re-entering, meaning that Polymorphine is a handy potion to find early game for preserving wand-editing abilities. The same trick can be used with the other types of Polymorphine.
  • SPOILER: Kolmisilmä has a material vulnerability to Polymorphine at 12 orbs.


Inherits additional reactions with the [water] tag that are not listed here.

Reaction Rate Reagents Products
15 Polymorphine + Toxic Sludge Chaotic Polymorphine + Toxic Sludge
50 Silver + Polymorphine Copper + Smoke
10 Polymorphine + Copper Polymorphine Cloud + Polymorphine Cloud
80 [lava] + Polymorphine [lava] + Polymorphine Cloud
60 Diminution + Polymorphine Diminution + Chaotic Polymorphine
80 Purifying Powder + Polymorphine Purifying Powder + Water


Before Patch #8, polymorphing into a creature allowed you to fly infinitely due to the new shape not having a levitation limit. This has since been changed.


Polymorphine transforms any creature it stains into a random type of Lammas.
Eating a Muodonmuutosmestari's corpse gives you temporary immunity to Polymorph.
Copper converts Polymorphine into equally deadly Polymorphine Cloud.
Polymorphine converts Silver into Copper, which also turns the Polymorphine into a gas.

See Also
