Alchemic Precursor

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Alchemic Precursor is a blue liquid created by mixing 3 different materials, each randomly chosen every run.


The precise components to create this substance vary for each run based on the world seed, but typically include two liquids and one powder.

Drinking it gives you both Effect food poisoning.png Food poisoning and Effect poisoned.png Poisoned for 10 seconds. It can be transformed into Draught of Midas by adding any variant of meat. It has no other purpose, though it is highly flammable, similar to Whiskey.


Inherits additional reactions with the [water] tag that are not listed here.

Reaction Rate Reagents Products
100 Alchemic Precursor + [meat] Draught of Midas + Draught of Midas
100 Alchemic Precursor + Draught of Midas Draught of Midas + Draught of Midas
80 [lava] + Alchemic Precursor [lava] + Gas of Midas
80 Diminution + Alchemic Precursor Smoke + Liquid Fire (Generic)
8 Lava + Alchemic Precursor Lava + Fire


Random alchemic precursor spawn in map seed 1911131374
Random alchemic precursor spawn in in map seed 1911131374 which turns into Draught of Midas and thus nearby material into gold.

See Also


  • Apr 8 2024: Now reacts with lava to create gas of midas.