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Whiskey is an uncommon, highly flammable, brownish orange transparent liquid material which releases Whiskey Fumes and causes Effect alcoholic.png Alcoholic on contact.


Being stained by Whiskey causes the Effect alcoholic.png Alcoholic effect, worsening your aim. It will not inherently make you more flammable, but it does overwrite other stains such as Effect wet.png Wet which protects you from fire. When lit, whiskey is burned extremely quickly, entire pools will vanish in seconds at the touch of a flame.

Whiskey will slowly but steadily react with Air and evaporate into Whiskey Fumes which can stain you and cause the same Effect alcoholic.png Alcoholic debuff. The fumes are often difficult to see until they build up quite a bit, so at times it can seem as though simply being in the proximity of a pool of Whiskey can make you Effect drunk.png Drunk.


Drinking whiskey from a flask will cause a +30 second Effect drunk.png Drunk effect for every 10% consumed. Consuming more of it to increase the duration above 30 seconds will cause screen blurring and, eventually, vomiting.

There is no difference other than amount consumed when drinking from the ground compared to a potion.


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Whiskey is used for the Nullifying Altar.



The most notable reaction is mixing whiskey with Frog Meat to make Berserkium.

Inherits additional reactions with the [water] tag that are not listed here.

Mixes evenly with Chilly Water, making it difficult to isolate.

Reaction Rate Reagents Products
20 [fire] + Whiskey Fumes Whiskey Fumes + Whiskey Fumes
5 Fungal Spore (Blue) + Whiskey + Air Fungal Spore (Blue) + Air
7 Fungal Spore + Whiskey + Air Fungal Spore (Blue) + Air
21 Teleportatium + Whiskey Unstable Teleportatium + Whiskey
60 Whiskey + [fire] [fire] + Whiskey Fumes
60 Whiskey + [lava] [fire] + Whiskey Fumes
4 Whiskey + Air Whiskey + Whiskey Fumes
30 Whiskey + [slime] Whiskey + Smoke
10 Whiskey + Frog Meat Berserkium + Frog Meat
80 Purifying Powder + Whiskey Purifying Powder + Water
15 Whiskey Fumes + Air Air + Air
8 Lava + Whiskey Fumes Lava + Fire


A vat of Whiskey actively meeting its demise.
Chaotic Transmutation can be used to create Whiskey from other materials.
Whiskey disrupting the aim of projectiles.

See Also
