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Haavoittajamestari (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Master of Wounding) is one of the many master spellcasters. It takes the appearance of a humanoid with a large fleshy head and is dressed in a red robe.


The Master of Wounding casts fast-moving projectiles that inflict the Effect hearty.png Heartache debuff for 20 seconds. Your maximum and current HP are halved for the duration of the debuff, meaning any damage taken, healing received or further changes to maximum HP will effectively be doubled. This effect can stack multiplicatively if you are hit multiple times. When the debuff wears off, your health is multiplied back the same amount.

For example, if you have 100Icon hp template heart.png health, a single hit will inflict Heartache, dropping you to 50Icon hp template heart.png (assmuing you used Ambrosia and didn't take damage from the Heartache projectile). If you then take 10 damage while under the effects of the debuff, you will be at 40/50 HP. When the effect wears off, your HP is multiplied back up again, giving you 80/100. Note that the 10 damage you took during the effect becomes 20.

Combat Tips

  • The damage types of explosion, electricity, and ice, will heal this enemy.
  • As with all Masters, exercise caution and focus on avoiding the projectiles. This is easily done by constantly moving perpendicular to the enemy's aiming trajectory (which usually means levitating up or falling down) and staying at a medium distance.
  • If you have the Glass Cannon perk, picking up a Extra Max Health while having the debuff will reset your HP to 50Icon hp template heart.png, effectively setting it to 100Icon hp template heart.png when the debuff ends. Be careful not to pick any health upgrade from that point onward (unless you're affected by Heartache), as it will reset your health to 50Icon hp template heart.png.
  • They have an aura that converts the "item" variant of rock (which includes Tablets) to air, which can limit tablet throw or kick damage to 25 or even 0, while also destroying the tablet.

Heartache Exploit

The heartache or heartbreak trick can be used to gain large amounts of health.

Your Max HP will not be reduced if your current Max HP is 10 or lower. This means that the minimum value your Max HP can be reduced to from the Effect hearty.png Heartache debuff is very slightly over 5Icon hp template heart.png, but will show as 5Icon hp template heart.png in-game. It is possible to deliberately reduce your maximum health to this value, by purposefully getting hit multiple times in a row, and then picking up an Extra Max Health to have its Max HP increase (+25Icon hp template heart.png) amplified multiple times.

It is best to stain yourself with Ambrosia beforehand, to avoid the 7.5 damage from each projectile.

It is possible to use this trick with Glass Cannon by using Full Health Regenerations in Holy Mountains, however you must then avoid picking up any Extra Max Health upgrades until you get to a Full Heal, otherwise Noita will reset you to the HP that you should have been at.

If the Master of Returning is hit by a Heartache projectile, it can copy and fire Heartache projectiles much quicker than the Master of Wounding. You can use this combination to gain more debuff stacks before older ones expire, making the trick more effective with high health.

Picking a Extra Max Health with the Stronger Hearts perk will make the trick more effective.

Noita's Health Trick Explained - DunkOrSlam
Noita Heartache Exploit: How to multiply your max HP - FuryForged


  • Prior to the Sauna Update, the minimum Max HP value you could reach from the Heartache debuff was 1Icon hp template heart.png, allowing you to massively explode your maximum HP by picking up an Extra Max Health at that point.


The Haavoittajamestari halves its target's current and max HP, shown through Blood to Power's recoil.
Taking an Extra Max HP pickup while in Heartache will multiply its Health gain.
