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Hämis (listen Audio.svg) (Plural Hämikset (listen Audio.svg), also known as Spidey) is a small, but aggressive three-legged critter that clip together and can deal a moderate amount of Melee Damage Melee damage.


Hämikset are often found in packs of up to 8 at once. Their numbers make them annoying to deal with, as their corpses and gold nugget drops will block your shots when they are packed tightly together.

Hämikset will sometimes consume corpses.

They also spawn from nests, usually located in the Fungal Caverns. Like other enemies spawned from nests, they drop no gold. They are also spawned from breakable pots in the Pyramid and Temple of the Art.

Effect charm.png Charmed Hämis are summoned from Chilly Eggs when broken.

Since these enemies are often found in packs, using explosive barrels and boxes to kill them is a good way to get money at the beginning of your run, as trick kills will yield double gold. Due to their low health, fire from dropped lanterns is also effective for this, as they will jump in panic while ignoring you.


  • These enemies appear to be the juvenile form of the Lukki and Hämähäkki found in the Jungle as indicated by their three eyes and spider-like appearance.
  • It should be noted that Hämis can spawn in the Temple of the Art, perhaps alluding to having a role in the creation of Kolmisilmä.
  • Hämis look similar in appearance to one type of enemy in the game Environmental Station Alpha, a metroidvania by Arvi Teikari, who is a part of Nolla Games.
  • hämis is a Finnish children's word for a spider (hämähäkki), like "spooder" or "spidey" in English.
  • Hämis is cool. Hämis our beloved. This is the greatest Hämis of all time 👍
  • Any Effect charm.png Charmed Hämikset can be pet by pressing the interact key while near them, causing a pink heart to appear alongside of an animation of the Hämis blinking. There is a 5% chance of them exploding when pet, which counts as a trick kill.


Fighting Hämis in the Mines.
Petting a Hämis until it explodes.

External links
