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Patsas (listen Audio.svg) (or Statue) is an enemy that appears mainly in the Ancient Laboratory, and sometimes in The Tower. It is initially generated as a static trap, which is then triggered when you are within close proximity to it. When you wander too close by, the trap will trigger, activating the statue. Trapped statues can be difficult to distinguish from static decorative statues.


Trapped Statues appear in the Ancient Laboratory alongside similar statues that are more decorative and cannot chase after you. These can be distinguished in a few ways:

  • Trapped statues only have one pose (see below), although some of the decorative statues share this pose.
  • Trapped statues do not show a material tooltip; decorative statues will indicate they are composed of Rock.
  • Decorative statues can be damaged and destroyed with explosions or digging spells, but trapped statues are unfazed.

When you approach a trapped statue, it will come to life and pursue you, attempting to kick you repeatedly. Living Statues are immune to all damage, with the only exceptions being Melee and physics damage.

Combat Tips

  • There is a method to easily turn this enemy into an ally without Pheromone. If you are stained with Berserkium or have the respective effect, the statue will not target you and ignore you, going after any other nearby enemy instead. Because other enemies' projectiles can't hurt the statue, it's very useful for underprepared players to clear out the area for them without the danger of being attacked, as Berserkium pools are commonly found in the Ancient Laboratory.
    • However, the statue will still kick you if you get close enough.
  • It is generally better to avoid triggering the trapped statues as much as possible. If one awakens it can usually be outrun fairly easily, as they move slightly slower than you.
    • However, throwing an Emerald Tablet at it as soon as it awakens may result in the statue being killed immediately, nullifying the risk - and providing a hefty amount of gold.
  • They can be fought off simply with kicking attacks, although timing a kick to hit them can be tricky as they will often land a hit that stuns you for a brief moment. The Never Skip Leg Day perk is highly recommended for this method.
  • The only ways to damage them are melee attacks, physics hits, curse damage (Venomous Curse), toxic damage (Toxic mist), Giga Black Hole and Omega Black Hole, and spells that deal Drill damage (this is only used by Digging Bolt and Digging Blast; however, Digging Blast cannot hit entities without a special tag which no enemy in the game has, so Digging Blast won't be able to damage it).
  • Despite not taking any ice damage, Statues can be dispatched quite effectively with a freeze-melee combo, such as the Freeze Charge modifier combined with Tentacle or Summon Friendly Fly (or any Summon spells that spawn a minion which can inflict melee damage). Alternatively, kicking the statue could work - especially when you have the Never Skip Leg Day perk - but is not advised because the statue could thaw and attack you before you kick it.
  • Since they are vulnerable to physics damage, a combination of Summon Rock and Burst of Air is very effective in dispatching them at range. You can also try launching a Propane Tank at them from a distance which can deal a considerable amount of damage, should it hit the statue. You can also kick a decorative statue into it if one is nearby, or direct hits with a thrown Emerald Tablet are also an effective and relatively safe way of killing them.
    • The physics damage methods are also strongly recommended as they will be classified as trick kills and double the amount of gold dropped by the statue.


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Trapped Decorative

Trap statues can only have a single pose, facing left or right.

Prop statue trap left.png Prop statue trap right.png

Decorative statues can also face left or right and will have one of the following poses (note that one of these poses is identical to the trapped version).

Prop statue rock 01.png Prop statue rock 02.png Prop statue rock 03.png Prop statue rock 04.png Prop statue rock 05.png Prop statue rock 06.png Prop statue rock 07.png Prop statue rock 08.png Prop statue rock 09.png Prop statue rock 10.png Prop statue rock 11.png Prop statue rock 12.png

See Also


  • Apr 8 2024: Now has projectile, explosion, and electric immunity.