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Mato (listen Audio.svg) (lit. Worm) is a medium sized worm enemy that eats through the ground.

A Mato may spawn by breaking the wiggling eggs found on a branch of the Giant Tree and, like most other blue worms, may spawn naturally anywhere in the mountain. They may also spawn from damaging cocoons in the Underground Jungle.

Behavior & Combat

The regular Worm is aggressive to anything that isn't a worm, seemingly unable to discriminate between you and other creatures of the mountain (although it seems to prefer you over anything else). They have only a melee bite attack, and attack by burrowing in circular patterns and launching itself at you at high speeds.

Keeping yourself above the ground is the best way to avoid the worms attack, and most spells work well in taking one down. Spells with Slice Damage Slice damage, such as Chainsaw or Disc Projectile, are very effective and also serve to produce much more valuable Worm Blood.

See Also


Breaking a cocoon and spawning a Mato in the Underground Jungle
Known to race in their spare time
