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Stendari (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Fire Mage) is an enemy found in the Mines which shoots fireballs, bleeds lava, and is immune to fire.


Stendari patrol the Mines on foot, and while it cannot fly, it jumps surprisingly high. Once in range, it fires a weaker version of the Fireball spell, exploding either on impact or when the fireball reaches your location (at the time of casting). The fireball has a weak explosion that will damage solid material.

They are not harmed by fire and will cause nearby flammable materials, powders, and liquids to combust. Additionally, they bleed Lava, which can prove a highly threatening hazard, particularly in the early game where they are normally encountered. Solidifying the lava with water first can help in collecting their dropped gold, but be aware that the gold may be stuck beneath the rock that forms.

Water, and a few other materials, do considerable damage to the Stendari, and immersion quickly proves fatal. They will avoid deep water, but may overlook small puddles, which still damage them. Also, if the water is below a liquid harmless to Stendari, they will not avoid it. They will not bleed if damaged or killed by water. Other materials include: Acid, Poison, Freezing Liquid, Freezing Vapor, Mud, Swamp, Brine, Swamp, Snow, and Ice.

If you are holding a Brimstone the Fire Mage will become peaceful.

Combat Tips

  • The Stendari is one of the most dangerous enemies that spawns normally in the mines, especially to new players.
  • It will often jump towards you and fire at the same time, which can throw you off when trying to dodge its attacks.
  • Make sure you are doused in a fire-proof liquid. Even if you manage to not get hit, the frequent fire particles generated by fighting it will likely dry you off and ignite you.
  • Wands with the Rain Cloud spell are often found in the Mines, which are convenient for killing it with water.
  • You can douse a Stendari with a Water (or Swamp, Brine, etc.) Potion by dropping the liquid from above, but also by pouring it into the ground the Stendari is standing on, from below, which will cause Noita to spawn the sprayed liquid above at the nearest open space, in this case, right underneath the Stendari.


  • Stendari is a Finnish slang word for a lighter.[1]


See Also