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Limatoukka (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Slime Maggot, Slime Caterpillar, or Tiny) is a miniboss found at the buried skull in the Meat Realm, embedded in some extremely dense rock. It is not present in Parallel Worlds but can be found again in New Game Plus.


Limatoukka bleeds Ominous Liquid which inflicts a poison stain upon contact. It deals extreme bite damage and fires homing projectiles from its body. Similar to other worms it charges at you, and additionally can also fly. Of note is that even though the bite is not melee damage, Melee Immunity will still block it.

At 6000 health and with full projectile damage resistance, you will have to either use a different damage type such as slice damage or use a Weakening Curse to defeat it.

Like Kolmisilmä, Limatoukka will ceaselessly pursue you once the fight has been initiated, so running away is not a permanent escape.


  • Tier 10 non-shuffle wand
    • Note: This is one of the only 2 in-game ways to obtain a tier 10 wand. Hell in Nightmare mode can also spawn tier 10 wands.
    • This wand can have a maximum capacity of 61, which is lower than from nightmare because this wand is a Tier 10 better wand which cannot generate with as good stats as a normal Tier 10. However, wands that can go past a capacity of 26 are extremely rare; 26 should be considered to be the maximum capacity for any non-seeded run.
  • Tier 6 non-shuffle wand
  • Large Extra Max HP
  • Full Health Regeneration


Defeating the Limatoukka will unlock one of the Achievement Pillars.


  • Commonly referred to as "Tiny", both because of the in-code name "maggot_tiny", and ironically because it is huge.
  • Limatoukka is by far the largest creature in the game.


Minä for scale.
Buried skull, where it is found.
Limatoukka moving and attacking.
Quick Look "Tiny" - Alexander

How to easily defeat the tiny maggot boss in Noita - FuryForged


  • Apr 8 2024:
    • Moved spawn location to the meat realm.
    • Now has projectile immunity.