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Ukkoshyypiö (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Thunder Creep) is a ghostly enemy, mainly found floating around The Tower and the Cloudscape. It possesses no attacks of its own, but is constantly surrounded by an always-active Projectile Thunder Field. Like the Hyypiö and Hohtava hyypiö, it will chase you relentlessly until killed or blocked by terrain.


Because this creature is entirely non-aggressive, it will never attack you. The real danger comes from its innate Thunder Field that constantly surrounds it. Upon being attacked by a projectile from afar, it will reflect it back as a Lightning Bolt. If shot from within the circle, the lightning will strike out from it instead, away from you. This can be beneficially exploited by you as a potentially cheap and rapid way to produce lightning bolts, albeit *only* lightning bolts. The usual considerations and risks of using lightning spells still apply, so use carefully.

Combat Tips

The Ukkoshyypiö's unique properties require a less conventional approach to defeating it.

  • The most reliable and effective way is to attack it from within the Projectile Thunder Field itself, as only spells that cross the Projectile Thunder Field border will be turned into lightning.
  • Mists will not be turned into lightning, and common techniques for dealing damage with mists generally work here as well.
  • You can also kick it, but with your foot's low damage output you'd be at it for quite a while. The Never Skip Leg Day perk makes this a much more viable option.
  • You can suffocate it by drowning it in a powdery substance or terrain.
  • Explosive spells will also work, as long as the projectile is detonated outside of the influence of the thunder field and the explosion is large enough to reach.
  • Dropping/kicking physics entities like rocks, tablets or barrels at it will quickly finish it, and may be the safest option if no other means are available.
  • It is immune to its own lightning, and highly resistant to the explosions from it.
  • The Paha Silmä is able to slowly kill it through its shield without any backlash.

If you lack the means to kill it, however, the safest option is to keep your distance as much as possible.

Additional Interactions

  • Explosive Boxes and Unstable Crystals, unlike other explosives, will still produce their built-in explosions when turned into lightning. The Large Explosive Box explosion radius is wide enough to still damage the Ukkoshyypiö when turned to lightning at the edge of the conversion field.
  • Bomb Carts will be deactivated and damaged, but leave behind carts.
  • Hollow eggs will not be converted into lightning, but on contact with the Ukkoshyypiö will break and contained spells will likely be turned into lightning without damaging it. Hollow eggs containing explosive boxes or unstable crystals can deal damage in this situation, but aiming eggs properly may be more difficult than the other methods of attack listed above.
  • Summon Eggs will not directly be converted into lightning, but if they break inside the field, they will produce lightning in addition to a minion.
  • Material-type spells will not be converted to lightning.
