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Haulikkohiisi (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Shotgun Hiisi or Shotgunner) is a humanoid Hiisi found in various areas that uses a shotgun as its primary weapon.

Heikko haulikkohiisi (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Weak Shotgun Hiisi) is a weaker version of the Shotgun Hiisi found in the Mines with less damage output, health and slower reactions, but otherwise identical in its behaviour.

Hornahiisi (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Hell Shotgun Hiisi) is a stronger version of the Shotgun Hiisi found in the Meat Realm with more projectiles in each shot, more health and faster reactions, but otherwise identical in its behaviour.

Gameplay and Behaviour

The Shotgun Hiisi will take aim and fire their shotgun at their targets. They can also fire in mid-air while jumping or falling. In close range of a target they will swing their shotgun at them dealing Melee Damage Melee damage.

The weaker version found in the Mines are slow to fire and have low HP, allowing you to kill them quickly, but Haulikkohiisi fire much quicker, have good precision, and have more HP, making them much more threatening.

Combat Tips

  • As with other Hiisi, it will typically attack all other enemies, but will not attack other Hiisi.
  • The shotgun blast has travel time, and so it can be avoided.
    • Be careful of the projectile arc - the wide radius of the blast combined with the curvature of the shot makes hiding behind cover difficult.
    • Oftentimes, the bullets will bounce instead of getting destroyed on impact.
  • Shotgun pellets will destroy soft materials, so care should be taken not to stand next to fragile reservoirs of dangerous liquids such as toxic sludge if being fired upon.
  • Haulikkohiisi has trouble shooting straight upwards.
  • Their head has a hitbox, which has a 2.5x damage multiplier.
  • Haulikkohiisi telegraphs its attacks by a sound of a racking shotgun and a small animation before firing. Recognizing it and dodging preemptively is important for avoiding their shots.
