Biome Modifiers

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Biome Modifiers are applied to some of the generated biomes randomly according to the world seed. These modifiers are presented with a flavor text message indicating which one is active after the Entered <Biome> notification message, accompanied by a decorative border for the message matching the biome modifier. For example, the Humid modifier's message is decorated with water droplets. Note that biomes that do not announce themselves (for example, the lava lake) may still have preset modifiers.

Some biomes will generate with a modifier by default, such as the Fungal Caverns which usually has Humid and the Desert which always has Hot. Any of the main biomes can randomly get one of the modifiers listed below, which may override the default modifier if that biome has one.

Each of the main biomes has a 10% chance to be generated with a modifier, with two exceptions:

  1. The Mines has a 20% chance[1]
  2. The Coal Pits has a 15% chance

When a biome succeeds the initial modifier chance roll, each of the modifiers have a probability value that affects the likelihood of that specific modifier being chosen.

The Mountain Hall (tutorial area at the very entrance to the Mountain and the Mines) will always receive the same biome modifier as the Mines, unless the modifier is not applicable for the Hall itself, as noted in the table below.

Holy Mountain areas never receive biome modifiers.

During the months of December through February, it can be snowing on the Forest surface, when that happens the Freezing modifier is also applied.


The listed percent values assume that the biome was chosen to be generated with a random modifier, meaning the actual chance for any Mines biome to generate with ionized modifier (listed as ~2%) is 0.412% or 1/243 . Coal Pits has a 1/324 chance, and other biomes have a 1/486 chance.

Name, Text, Description, Notes Weight
% Chance (in mines)

Darkness / Fog of War

A mysterious darkness lingers around this place

Areas that are no longer in your field of vision become dark again after a short period of time.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall. Always appears in Lukki Lair.


1 10.3 %

Wet Soil / Plant Infested

It smells like wet soil after rain

Features from the Underground Jungle biome are present such as the dark variant of swamp liquid, patches of grass, hanging vines, and growing vines which will create small purple fruits that can be popped to release poison and start fires. As well as infrequent Puska and Plasmakukka enemy spawns.

Cannot appear in Snowy Depths, Hiisi Base, Underground Jungle (which naturally has parts of this behaviour already), or Mountain Hall.


1 10.3 %


Where did all this water come from?

There are numerous leaky pipes scattered throughout the level, which drip water. The biome has a distinctly gloomy, vaguely bluish tint. Additional pockets of water spawn in the terrain, and Märkiäinen can spawn more commonly.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall, Underground Jungle, Snowy Depths, or The Vault.


0.75 7.72 %

Wary / Booby Trapped

You feel wary

Various proximity landmines like those of the Hiisi Mine Thrower appear throughout the biome.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall.


0.75 7.72 %

Roomy / Perforated

This place feels roomy

Biomes generates with a greater amount of open space, and tentacle/worm holes appear through the terrain. Small and medium-size worms become common, and giant worms may sometimes spawn.

Cannot appear in The Vault, Frozen Vault, Temple of the Art, or Snowy Depths.


0.75 7.72 %

Moist / Humid

The air feels extremely humid

Creatures (including you) tend to be slightly Effect wet.png Wet. Projectile speed is decreased slightly every frame eventually reaching 0, and certain spells may curve their trajectory downwards akin to being underwater, or disappear prematurely.

It is harder to set flammable materials such as wood on fire, and any fire spreads slowly/gets quickly extinguished.

This is the default modifier for Fungal Caverns.


0.7 7.21 %


The air feels hot

Any very flammable materials such as Barren Soil will burn if exposed to air. Open pools of water slowly evaporate. In underground biomes, there are barrels filled with water scattered throughout the biome.

This modifier is always applied to the surface Desert, the Pyramid, and the Lava Lake, and cannot appear in Mountain Hall.


0.6 6.18 %

Cozy / Furnished

It feels cozy in here

Various pieces of furniture appear throughout the biome, and Mimics are added into the biome monster spawn pool. Mimics typically only spawn in place of a chest, but may spawn in a larger variety of places with this modifier.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall.


0.5 5.15 %


The air is filled with fungus spores

There are some Laahustussieni and Möykky enemies around, as well as Swamp and the occasional buoyant blue fungus pods. The color grade is shifted to a greenish hue, with a hazy look to the air.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall, Snowy Depths, Hiisi Base, or Fungal Caverns (which has these features naturally anyway).


0.5 5.15 %

Gas Flooded

There’s a smell of gas in the air

The biome will have a slightly green hue. Pipes releasing flammable gas are frequent, acid themed enemies become more common. Shooting the pipes will release acid.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall, Coal Pits, Snowy Depths, Hiisi Base, The Vault, or Temple of the Art.


0.5 5.15 %

Heavy / High Gravity

The air feels heavy...

Projectiles and most entities get higher gravity


0.5 5.15 %

Light / Low Gravity

The air feels light

Projectiles and most entities get lower gravity


0.5 5.15 %

Spooky / Haunted

The hairs in the back of your head stands up

Some enemies will spawn with a tiny ghost (similar to that from Summon Tiny Ghost) which attack you with spark bolts. Aave spirits and Gravestones also appear occasionally throughout the biome.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall.


0.5 5.15 %

Gravity Fields

You feel an invisible force pushing and pulling you.

There are white gravity circles and red anti-gravity circles that pull and push slightly on projectiles scattered throughout the biome.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall.


0.3 3.09 %

Ionized / Conductive

The air smells ionized

Various electricity-based hazards appear throughout the biome, such as laser cubes and electric emitters, and Sähkiö will sometimes be spawned. Additionally, all materials in the biome become conductive to electricity.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall or the Mines.


0.2 2.06 %


There's an ominous atmosphere here...!

There are unstable orbs scattered throughout the biome. Touching them will inflict damage and spawn a Giga Black Hole.

Cannot appear until part of the Sun Quest questline is completed. Specifically, SPOILER: the Dark Moon must be replaced with the Dark Sun.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall, Mines, or Coal Pits


0.2 2.06 %

Protection Fields

Everything is glowing in a mysterious light...!

There are circles of invulnerability scattered throughout the biome.

Cannot appear until part of the Sun Quest questline is completed. Specifically, SPOILER: the Moon must be replaced with the Sun.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall


0.2 2.06 %


You suddenly have trouble focusing your eyes...

Spawns invisibility machines which apply Effect invisibility.png Invisible to nearby enemies periodically

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall or Mines


0.1 1.03 %


This place feels exceptionally secure

Some enemies spawn with shields and numerous static shield generators appear throughout the biome.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall, Coal Pits, and Snowy Depths.


0.1 1.03 %


You hear creepy crawling everywhere!

The worms Pikkumato, Mato, and Jättimato spawn more often. This is similar to the "Roomy" modifier, but doesn't pre-create any worm tunnels.

Cannot appear in Mountain Hall or Mines


0.05 0.52 %

Lucrative / Gold Veins

You sense lucrative opportunities

An increased number of gold veins spawn throughout the biome, with many of the gold veins being exposed. Biomes that previously had no gold veins will suddenly spawn with parts of their regular ground material becoming gold veins instead. This modifier has different ranges of effect depending on the host biome:

  • Underground Jungle, The Vault, or the Fungal Caverns: a very small amount of the regular ground materials will become gold veins.
  • Temple of the Art: the generation is more variable, and may result in either very small or very large portions of different regions becoming gold veins.
  • All other biomes: Somewhere between the above two extremes, a moderate portion of regular ground materials will become gold veins.

Cannot appear in Hiisi Base.


0.01 0.10 %

Extremely Lucrative / Super Gold Veins

You sense extremely lucrative opportunities

In Snowy Depths, a moderate amount of gold veins are generated within the ground, very similar to the normal Lucrative modifier. In the other biomes it can generate in, their naturally more rare chance to spawn gold is modified so that gold is one of the common materials, spawning approximately the same amount as materials like ground or rock.

Can only appear in Mines, Collapsed Mines, Coal Pits, and Snowy Depths.

example seed: 7511523, 1576199118


0.00025 0.0026 %


The air feels freezing

Grass and moss are replaced with ice, freezable liquids will freeze over time on contact with the air, and a faint bluish color grade is applied to the area.

Always and only appears in Snowy Wasteland, on top of the Mountain, or the Forest during Snowy Weather. A variation of this modifier is always applied to the Snowy Chasm, which only applies the cosmetic changes and does not freeze liquids.


0 0 %


It feels gloomy in here

The biome is dark with only immediate surroundings getting slowly illuminated.

Always and only appears in Magical Temple, Wizards' Den, and Dark Chest room.


0 0 %


All the Random Biome Modifiers of Noita - FuryForged

See Also


  • Code is found within /data/scripts/biome_modifiers.lua
  1. if you have fewer than 8 deaths, mines will have no modifier


  • Apr 8 2024:
    • The conductive modifier can no longer appear in the Mines.
    • Aave now spawns with the Spooky modifier.