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The beginning.

The Forest is the first area encountered in Noita and has a passage to the Mines. Every new game will spawn you here.

The most obvious route forward is through the short Mountain Hall to the East, and down into the Mines. The Mountain Hall usually contains a minecart or wooden cart, which many players will kick ahead or even ride down the slope, occasionally resulting in an enemy death. Rarely, it will contain an oversized wooden skateboard instead.

The Giant Tree

Main article: Giant Tree

To the West of the entrance to the Mines is the Giant Tree. The Tree can be climbed, leading to a few branches. On each branch is an egg which when broken will usually spawn a worm of random size. At the base of the Tree is a pool of water leading into the ground and then up through the trunk. Inside is an Emerald Tablet. Attempting to climb the tree will spawn a swarm of Happonuljaska below. With better spells and perks, these can be killed with relative ease, but this may be difficult for players just starting a run.

The top of the tree and western face contain additional features, for those who are able to reach them.

The Floating Island

Main article: Mountain Altar

Above the entrance to the Mines there is a small Mountain of rock and snow, and above that is a floating island. The island contains an altar, as well as an Orb of True Knowledge and Emerald Tablet within a small cavity.

The Pond

Beyond the mountain, but before the Desert, there is a small pond with fish in it. At the bottom is another instrument similar to that at the top of the giant tree. When struck, it will start to play, and the fish will begin to gather around it. Again, shooting the instrument with certain projectiles will damage it and eventually cause it to explode. No other known effects have been observed.

Connected Areas

  • Proceeding into the mine entrance will land you in the Mines and the start of the main path through Noita.
  • Beyond the tree to the west you will enter the Snowy Wasteland.
  • Above the entrance and over the mountain heading east, you will eventually come across the Desert.


Weather is a random phenomenon that happens on the surface at the beginning of Noita in the Forest biome. When you first spawn, there is a small chance that it can rain or snow.

When any type of rain occurs, there will also be a randomly variable amount of fog and clouds.


Rainy weather has a 1 in 15 (6.67%) chance of happening. If it is triggered, one of the following gets chosen.

Weather Chance
Weather Chance Material
Light Rain 95% Water
Heavy Rain 4.9% Water
Blood Rain 0.08% Blood
Acid Rain 0.01% Acid
Slime Rain 0.01% Slime

The chance of each type of weather compounds with the overall weather, so for example there will be a 0.0047% chance of blood rain every run.


Snow has a chance of happening instead of rain based on your computer's clock during December, January, and February. During these times there is a 1 in 12 (8.33%) chance for snowy weather in addition to the chance for rain. The Freezing biome modifier will also be applied to these starting areas if it snows.

Weather Chance
Weather Chance Material
Snow 75% Snow
Slush 25% Slush


The base of the Giant Tree
A branch of the Giant Tree with a nest containing a pikkumato or mato egg
The floating island and altar above the mountain on top of the Mines
Trees and mushrooms in the Forest on top of a grass hill.
