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The Kiuaskivi (listen Audio.svg) (also known as Brimstone) is a common inventory item.

It has a 4.4% chance to spawn in Item Pedestals, a 7.7% chance to spawn in Pedestals in the Ancient Laboratory, and a 0.75% chance to spawn from Chests.


It constantly emits flames when held or dropped, igniting flammable materials and vulnerable creatures around it akin to a Torch spell. It will also provide immunity to Fire Damage Fire damage and when held, and although it doesn't prevent the Effect on fire.png On Fire! status, it negates its damage, rendering all fires harmless while on hand.

The Kiuaskivi will also evaporate all liquids in contact that are capable to do so; Water will instantly transform into Steam, Teleportatium into Freezing Vapour, etc. It will, however, be destroyed if it's dropped into Slime.

Stendari and Eldari will both be passive towards a player holding the Kiuaskivi.

SPOILER: A Kiuaskivi can also be reliably obtained by picking up the Essence of Fire and then removing it through the Essence Eater.


  • The Kiuaskivi's ability to evaporate liquids instantly makes it an ideal for quickly getting rid of large bodies of Water. This is useful for the exploring the Dark Cave to the west of the Mines.
    • Keep in mind that Steam will eventually transform back into Water when enclosed.
  • The Fire Immunity it provides is not immediately removed when swapping or throwing the Kiuaskivi away. This can allow you to attack or douse yourself while standing in flames, without taking damage. The protection lasts for about a second before the holder is vulnerable again.
  • Unlike Fire, it can evaporate Toxic Sludge. It creates Toxic Gas in the process, however.


  • The literal translation of Kiuaskivi means "stove stone". This is in reference to a sauna stove, which counts with stones on top to which water is thrown to produce steam, making the sauna hotter.
  • The Kiuaskivi originally produced light that deterred deep darkness such as that of the Dark Cave, but the property was later removed during Early Access testing.
  • Neither the stone, nor the Sulphur that the item is made from, have any direct reactions with Slime whilst it is held. This reaction comes from the Sulphur material being perpetually on fire and inheriting Fire reactions.


The Kiuaskivi quickly evaporates Water when in contact.
It will be destroyed when dropped in Slime, however.
The Kiuaskivi allows you to take no Fire damage from Molten Metal.
While holding the Kiuaskivi , Stendari and Eldari will become passive.