Damp Rock

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Damp Rock is a type of rock variant that very occasionally has fading Water drip from it, primarily found in the earlier areas in the game.


Reaction Rate Reagents Products
5 Damp Rock + Air Damp Rock + Water (Fading)
100 Corrupted Rock + Damp Rock Corrupted Rock + Corrupted Rock
100 Draught of Midas + Damp Rock Draught of Midas + Gold
90 Gas of Midas + Damp Rock Gold + Gold
3 Lava + Damp Rock Smoke + Fire
3 Steam + Damp Rock Water + Damp Rock
50 [acid] + Damp Rock [acid] + Flammable Gas


Damp Rock in the Mines with a single drop of Water (fading) falling from it.
