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Personal Fireball Thrower is a projectile modifier spell that causes its projectile to "infect" a creature with the Personal Fireball Thrower effect, making it expel fireballs in random directions until it dies. If the projectile can strike you, either by enemy wand use or friendly-fire projectiles, it will affect you as well.

The effect on enemies can be stopped by polymorphing. (The effect will stop while you are polymorphed, and start again when they return to their usual form).

The effect will end when around 83 seconds have passed, or when the affected entity dies, whichever comes first. This timer is reset if the entity polymorphs. Since target dummies in the 聖なる山 cannot be killed with their own fireballs, waiting out the timer is the best solution if Personal Fireball thrower is applied to them.


  • The Personal Fireball Thrower deals fire and explosion damage. Both can be negated by swimming in a pool of water, but being near walls may still cause you to take explosion damage. The pool of water will quickly evaporate though, so it is wise to swim in the pool to restore levitation, as while levitating nearly all of the fireballs will be unable to hit the player.
  • Useful vs robots, as they're vulnerable to explosive damage. Also can be used to good effect on Worms, which have lots of HP and travel in tight passages ensuring maximum number of explosion hits.


Personal Fireball Spell Refresher.jpg
