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魔法のボルトs are 放射物 呪文s that 炎 a magical bolt, with high caster ノックバック, added 拡散, and creates a small 爆破 on impact. It comes in タイマー and トリガー variants.


  • This spell has a fairly bad マナ流出-to-damage ratio, and so is most useful when you can find a wand with it as an 常時詠唱.
  • Due to the significant ノックバック produced by this spell, it can be easily used in a rapid-fire wand to make a "jetpack wand", allowing you to extend flight (possibly indefinitely) through its 反動.
  • In a pinch it can be used to dig through soft 資材, but is a fairly costly spell do to it with.


A similar-looking 放射物 is fired by the レーザー・タンッキ which deals more damage, has much more ノックバック, is fired faster and has slightly more 拡散.


Attacking an enemy with 魔法のボルト.
Testing 魔法のボルト in a 聖なる山.