WUOTE's extremely scattered and relatively spoiler-free guide to Noita for novice players

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About the author

Hi, I am WUOTE of the ACID Temple. I might have played this game for at least TWO hours. Nowadays I usually coach newer players and help Noita speedrunners optimize their runs.

General approach

If you want to win in Noita and got 5 minutes, keep reading, I hope it helps!

Every single run is winnable! Different players have different playstyles and approaches, to develop your unique play style all you have to do is to play more! My general strategy to winning a run is to reduce the number of things I have to pay attention to, that way it's easier to watch environment, enemies, and loot spawns.

The best QOL setting

This is called "Pouring bind", it allows you immediately start pouring from your water flask to remove stains and put out fire, and then quickly switch back to your main attack wand. You don't have to bind it to mouse buttons, some players use Q key for that.

Pouring bind.png

Universal knowledge

Always useful to know:

  1. If you have and keep blood/water/slime stain on your character you cannot catch fire.
  2. Ambrosia stain makes you "immortal" as long you don't move around and the stain is not washed off.
  3. Kick things around. Direction and strength of the kick is determined by your cursor's position: the further your cursor from your character the stronger the kick.
  4. Tablet is a very powerful melee weapon. Throw a tablet at an enemy, often it will drop double gold upon death. Learn to kick+throw a tablet. Easiest kick directions are straight down, and 45 degree angle down. General rule is: press kick --> wait 0.25 seconds --> press throw -- you will launch the tablet you're holding and it is able to do thousands of damage. Tablet throws follow the cursor: the further your cursor from your character the stronger the kick.


There's a hierarchy to them, most of the time it's better to choose a perk having in mind the spells/other perks you have. Many perks have hidden stats. Some perks override previously taken perks. Is a perk worth taking?-- Either ask around, or just risk and experiment: press [E].

Wand building strategy

Diversify your damage sources: having 2 spark bolts and a chainsaw inside package is much better than 3 spark bolts just because they are of different damage types -- projectile/slice, and there are enemies invulnerable to specific damage types. Great if your main wand can do several things at once: kill+dig, for example,-- again, reducing the number of things you need to pay attention to.

Basic wand build types

Most to least often used wands are:

Machine gun wand -- fires very quickly, often doesn't require homing, great to spray and pray "preemptively heck everything in that direction" playstyle. Can be of a "trigger/timer + package" type, or just a simple wrapping wand. The less chaotic the wand the better: if your wand has huge spread, or its package has a lot of projectiles, you may hit an explosive by accident and go cohhBoom. Common structure: chainsaw or luminous drill --> double cast --> spark bolt (or spark bolt timer/trigger --> ''*multicast*'' --> damage modifiers --> the same number of projectiles for package as ''*multicast*'').

Wand 0376 h.png
Double Spell
Spark Bolt

Wand 0376 h.png
Double Spell
Spark Bolt With Trigger
Damage Plus
Triple Spell
Digging Bolt
Spark Bolt

Homing mist wand -- a "shoot once per screen/biome", lazy wand: timer releases package -- a mist with some form of homing and damage increase modifier attached to it, which flies around killing everything. Very convenient (my usual go-to), but <u>might kill you if you get polymorphed</u> -- those wands attack everything which is not player character. Common structure: spark bolt timer/trigger --> homing spell --> damage modifier (damage field is the best) --> mist.

Wand 0376 h.png
Spark Bolt With Timer
Damage Field
Slime Mist

(Homing) Plasmas: dangerous to the player (with one special exception), extremely ==deadly== -- these wands kill everything almost instantly. Require a lot of attention where do you land your shots, if plasma follows an enemy which is about to hug you, you'll get hit. If you hit a swapper mage, there's a high chance you'll die. Common structure: spark bolt timer/trigger --> homing spell --> plasma spell. Green plasma beams dig through everything, including metals, can be used as dedicated digging wands with no homing. Blue-ish plasma spells don't dig well.

Wand 0376 h.png
Spark Bolt With Timer
Short-range Homing
Plasma Beam

Wand 0376 h.png
Spark Bolt With Timer
Plasma Beam

Accelerated homing rock: if you have unlimited spells -- this is a no-brainer -- you have a rock flying around dealing thousands of damage instantly killing everything. 98% safe to the player (polymorphine is your worst enemy as always). Slain enemies will drop double gold, if you have trick blood money perk gold will be red and heal you upon pickup. Even if you don't have unlimited spells, you still can kick "charged" rock around the level, as soon it senses an enemy, it'll launch again and continue slaying.

Wand 0376 h.png
Accelerative Homing

Double Explosive Projectile (EP) wand: utilizes hidden game mechanic of explosion radius increase. One explosive projectile modifier adds ~5 damage to a spark bolt, two EPs suddenly add 325 damage! Safe with most projectiles (might set you on fire, otherwise safe), if you don't have explosion immunity perk, do not use with materials (water, blood, acid, concrete spells), luminous drills, wooden arrows (green magic arrows are safe),-- you'll kill yourself.

Wand 0376 h.png
Spark Bolt With Trigger
Explosive Projectile
Explosive Projectile
Triple Spell
Digging Bolt
Spark Bolt


In each biome try to look for hearts, spells, and wands. Manage your health: no matter how much gold you have it will not save you from death. If in danger -- flee, move to the next holy mountain.

  1. Mines: try collecting 400 gold, ideally 800, grab a tablet, the best naturally spawning wand you can find is a 10-7 shuffle wand.
  2. Coal Pits: collect ~1000 gold. Look for wands, you can try going straight to Fungal Caverns located to the left of Coal Pits -- this mini biome is very dangerous, but often have great spells and guaranteed to have no-shuffle wands.
  3. Snowy Depths: try collecting 2500 gold. This biome usually have spell shops and add mana spells on wands granting you much needed power spike. Move slowly, don't jump straight down if you hear electricity chances are its an ukko -- one of the deadliest enemies, avoid or shoot ukko from a distance, be very careful. How to traverse: generally try to move from right to left -- less chances to get overwhelmed/get ambushed (don't go inside the dark area). If in danger -- go right right right until you see dark brown rock, then go straight down -- that is one of the safest ways to skip this biome entirely.
  4. Hiisi Base: collect ~2500-3000 gold. Beware of propane tanks and electrical lights. A lot of explosives are hidden inside snow, shoot and dig carefully. If you have broken wands, bottom right corner of the biome might interest you. Need healing? Dudes with green guns shoot healing bolts, charm them with your personality or get in their way while medics are trying to heal someone else.
  5. Underground Jungle: try collecting at least 3500 gold. Jungle is always on fire, and has dangerous mages: watch for small white projectiles hitting you from off-screen.
  6. The Vault: very dangerous and annoying: acid baths, electric traps, lots of rusted metal (bombs cannot dig through it, but TNT can). Generally you want to spend as least time in this biome as possible.
  7. Temple of the Art: try collecting 6000-10000 gold. Very dangerous: swapper mages, "glowing fishtank head" socks (don't shoot them, they're harmless if you don't hit them), traps, poly mages, pools of polymorphine, lots of lava, colorful crystals (don't shoot crystals, especially green ones: they are the most dangerous). Move slowly watch corners and walls closely, if you can, dig through the biome and get to the portal.
  8. ...

Best of luck! Run fast and throw hard!