Lucky Clover

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Lucky Clover is a passive Perk that increases the chance to find something in a chest spawn location. It also increases the chance of finding a special chest or a Healthy Heart.


  • The chance of finding a Healthy Heart in place of a normal Heart is 1/5 (20%) without Lucky Clover, or 1/3 (33%) with.
  • To spawn a modded chest, a number between 1 and 1,000 is rolled. This determines which chest is spawned.
    • Lucky Clover boosts this chance by ((1000 - the number rolled) * 0.3). This means that the player will be ~10% less likely to find a normal Treasure Chest.
    • If the number is 1000, a Great Treasure Chest is spawned. This chance is the same as vanilla, and is not boosted by Lucky Clover.
    • If the number is less than 1000 and greater than or equal to 900, a Lost Treasure Chest is spawned.
    • If the number is less than 900 and greater than or equal to 850, a Mini Treasure Chest is spawned.
    • If the number is less than 850 and greater than or equal to 775 (725 in The Vault), a Kultaholvi is spawned.
    • Otherwise, a Treasure Chest is spawned like normal.


  • Lucky Clover also buffs the effects of certain other luck-based perks.