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巨大ワームによる死亡 出典: SlipKn0t95.

ワーム(Mato / Worm)は、大木にある卵を割ると生まれる生物です。 大きさは非常に小さいものから大きいものまで様々です。 湖で生まれる水生バージョンもあります。




ワームが傷つくと蠕虫の血を流します。これは飲んだ際に一時的な暗視能力と色を変える画面効果を与えます。 また、巨大ワームは50%の確率で追加最大ヘルスを落とすため、リスクはありますが蠕虫の血とヘルスのために殺すことは有益です。



  • Freezing spells or spell modifiers allow you to kick it and kill it instantly. Although it doesn't stay frozen for long so find the right chance.
    • If it dies like that, you won't get 蠕虫の血.
  • As the enemy has multiple segments you can shred through it quickly using piercing shot.
  • Melee Immunity will render this enemy harmless, other than the damage to terrain it will cause trying to damage you.
  • You can kill it very easily by staying far away and using a long distance spell, even something as weak as spark bolt.
  • The worm can't move where there's no terrain to move through, so going to areas with sparse terrain can help avoid it.
    • However, it can build up a lot of speed and fly a surprising distance up into the air when lunging for you, so stay on your toes.
  • Its head is the only part of it that can deal damage, allowing the player to use spells like chainsaw for a high risk/reward payoff.
  • Try to fight near a fire or create one if possible, the larger the better. The worm is not immune to burn damage and will catch fire if it tunnels through burning material. If the fire is large enough it may reignite several times.


In the next update/the beta branch, you might not be able to one shot it by freezing and kicking it and any of these spawned with matosade will no longer be dropping max health upgrades.


A worm hatched from the Wiggling Egg on the 大木