Documentation: LuaComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
script_source_file std::string
execute_on_added bool false
execute_on_removed bool false
execute_every_n_frame int 1 [1, 150] 1 = execute every frame. 2 = execute every second frame. 3 = execute every third frame and so on. -1 = execute only on add/remove/event
execute_times int 0 How many times should the script be executed? < 1 means infinite
limit_how_many_times_per_frame int -1 -1 = infinite. Use this to limit how many times this can be executed per frame. Currently only used to limit script_shot from being executed forever.
limit_to_every_n_frame int -1 -1 = no limit. Currently only used to limit script_shot from being executed every frame.
limit_all_callbacks bool false NOTE( Petri ): 19.8.2023 - by default limit_how_many_times_per_frame and limit_to_every_n_frame only works for script_shot. If this is set to true, will limit all callbacks. Also note that this limit is shared within this component. So if this is true and both script_shot and script_damage_received and both are called within limit_to_every_n_frame frames, only one of them will be called.
remove_after_executed bool false
enable_coroutines bool false
call_init_function bool false if 1, calls function init( entity_id:int ) after running the code in the file scope of script_source_file along with all mod appends. Does nothing if execute_on_added is 0
script_enabled_changed std::string if set, calls function 'enabled_changed( entity_id:int, is_enabled:bool )' when the IsEnabled status of this LuaComponent is changed
script_damage_received std::string if set, calls function 'damage_received( damage:number, message:string, entity_thats_responsible:int, is_fatal:bool, projectile_thats_responsible:int )' when we receive a message about damage (Message_DamageReceived)

The is_fatal argument does not take into account the Extra Life or Saving Grace perks.

If the entity is about to die from the damage they received, you can still decide to keep the entity alive by adding hp to its DamageModelComponent in this callback.

script_damage_about_to_be_received std::string if set, calls function 'damage_about_to_be_received( damage:number, x:number, y:number, entity_thats_responsible:int, critical_hit_chance:int )' when we receive a message (Message_DamageAboutToBeReceived) -> new_damage:number,new_critical_hit_chance:int

The damage number only takes into account some of the game effects damage mechanics. Other mechanics like damage multipliers, freeze+melee, and crits are all not yet processed into the damage number. If you need accurate damage numbers you have to use the damage_received callback.

script_item_picked_up std::string if set, calls function 'item_pickup( int entity_item, int entity_pickupper, string item_name )' when message 'Message_ItemPickUp' is called
script_shot std::string if set, calls function 'shot( projectile_entity_id )' when we receive Message_Shot
script_collision_trigger_hit std::string if set, calls function 'collision_trigger( colliding_entity_id )' when we receive Message_CollisionTriggerHit
script_collision_trigger_timer_finished std::string if set, calls function 'collision_trigger_timer_finished()' when we receive Message_CollisionTriggerTimerFinished
script_physics_body_modified std::string if set, calls function 'physics_body_modified( is_destroyed )' when physics body has been modified
script_pressure_plate_change std::string if set, calls function 'pressure_plate_change( new_state )' when PressurePlateComponent decides that things have change
script_inhaled_material std::string if set, calls function 'inhaled_material( material_name, count )' once per second for each inhaled material
script_death std::string if set, calls function 'death( int damage_type_bit_field, string damage_message, int entity_thats_responsible, bool drop_items )' when we receive message Message_Death
script_throw_item std::string if set, calls function 'throw_item( from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y )' when we receive message Message_ThrowItem
script_material_area_checker_failed std::string if set, calls function 'material_area_checker_failed( pos_x, pos_y, )' when we receive message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerFailed
script_material_area_checker_success std::string if set, calls function 'material_area_checker_success( pos_x, pos_y, )' when we receive message Message_MaterialAreaCheckerSuccess
script_electricity_receiver_switched std::string if set, calls function 'electricity_receiver_switched( bool is_electrified )' when we receive message Message_ElectricityReceiverSwitched
script_electricity_receiver_electrified std::string if set, calls function 'electricity_receiver_electrified()' when we receive message Message_ElectricityReceiverElectrified
script_kick std::string if set, calls function 'kick( entity_who_kicked )' when we receive message Message_Kick
script_interacting std::string if set, calls function 'interacting( entity_who_interacted, entity_interacted, interactable_name )' when we receive message Message_Interaction
script_audio_event_dead std::string if set, calls function 'audio_event_dead( bank_file, event_root )' when we receive message Message_AudioEventDead
script_wand_fired std::string if set, calls function 'wand_fired( gun_entity_id )' when we receive Message_WandFired
script_teleported std::string if set, calls function 'teleported( from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, bool portal_teleport )' when we receive Message_Teleported
script_portal_teleport_used std::string if set, calls function 'portal_teleport_used( entity_that_was_teleported, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y )' when we receive Message_PortalTeleportUsed
script_polymorphing_to std::string if set, calls function 'polymorphing_to( string_entity_we_are_about_to_polymorph_to )' when we receive Message_PolymorphingTo
script_biome_entered std::string if set, calls function 'biome_entered( string_biome_name, string_biome_old_name )' when this entity changes biomes. Requires BiomeTrackerComponent
mLastExecutionFrame int -1
mTimesExecutedThisFrame int 0 tracks how many times we've executed this frame. This will linger on and store the old value of the old frames. Used internally.
mModAppendsDone bool false
Custom data types
vm_type LUA_VM_TYPE::Enum SHARED_BY_MANY_COMPONENTS Do we share a single Lua virtual machine for everyone who runs 'script_source_file' ('SHARED_BY_MANY_COMPONENTS'), create one VM per one LuaComponent and reuse the VM in case the component runs the script multiple times ('ONE_PER_COMPONENT_INSTANCE'), or create a new VM every time the script is executed ('CREATE_NEW_EVERY_EXECUTION', deprecated)?
mNextExecutionTime int -1
mTimesExecuted int 0
mLuaManager LuaManager*
mPersistentValues ValueMap