Documentation: DamageModelComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
hp double 1 [0, 4] hit points at the moment
max_hp double 0 [0, 4] the maximum hp that this can have, we'll set this when loading
max_hp_cap double 0 [0, 12] the maximum 'max_hp' that this can have, <= 0 means no limits. Used by perks such as GLASS_CANNON
max_hp_old double 0 used for UI rendering
critical_damage_resistance float 0 0.0 = all critical damage multiplier is applied. 1.0 = no critical damage multiplier is applied
invincibility_frames int 0 [0, 1024] if positive, doesn't take damage
falling_damages bool true do we take fall damage
falling_damage_height_min float 70 how far do we need to fall to take damage, we start with this height, the peasant takes min damage from this
falling_damage_height_max float 250 after this the peasant always takes the maximum fall damage
falling_damage_damage_min float 0.1 when we fall over height_min we take this much, lineary ramping to damage_max
falling_damage_damage_max float 1.2 when we fall over height_min we take this much, lineary ramping to damage_max
air_needed bool true Do we breath, can we take damage from not breathing?
air_in_lungs float 5 How much air do we have in our lungs? - after the air runs out we take damage
air_in_lungs_max float 5 how much air can we have in our lungs, it's filled to this point if we're not in water
air_lack_of_damage float 0.2 (* dt)... damage in a second if we're in the water
minimum_knockback_force float 0 Minimum knockback force required to do the knockback
materials_damage bool true should materials do damage or not?
material_damage_min_cell_count int 4 if material damage is received from less than 'material_damage_min_cell_count' this frame, it is ignored
materials_that_damage std::string acid list of materials that do damage, separated by ',' e.g. 'acid, fire, smoke'
materials_how_much_damage std::string 0.1 list of damage amount per material in materials_that_damage, separated by ','
materials_damage_proportional_to_maxhp bool false if damage from materials is proportional to max hp, instead of just damage
physics_objects_damage bool false if true, will take damage from physics objects that hit it
materials_create_messages bool false should collisions with certain materials create messages or not?
materials_that_create_messages std::string meat list of materials that generate CollisionWithCell messages, separated by ',' e.g. 'acid, fire, smoke'
ragdoll_filenames_file std::string data/temp/ragdoll/filenames.txt the file from which to load a ragdoll on death'
ragdoll_material std::string meat what material is the ragdoll made out of
ragdoll_offset_x float 0 where should the ragdoll be created relative to our entity position'
ragdoll_offset_y float 0 where should the ragdoll be created relative to our entity position'
blood_material std::string blood_fading this is the material that gets thrown as particles when this entity takes damage
blood_spray_material std::string this is the material that gets thrown as particles when this entity sprays blood on death
blood_spray_create_some_cosmetic bool false if true, we force some blood spray particles to be cosmetic (can be enabled to avoid making a huge mess of blood spray)
blood_multiplier float 1 [0, 10] how much blood, this is the multiplier used for sprouting lots or little blood
ragdoll_blood_amount_absolute int -1 [-1, 1000] if > -1, this is the absolute amount of blood we share between particle emitters in the ragdoll
blood_sprite_directional std::string this sprite is loaded at damage position if we take damage that creates a blood effect
blood_sprite_large std::string this sprite is loaded at damage position if we take explosion/heavy damage
healing_particle_effect_entity std::string if this is set, will load this entity as a child of this entity, when this entity is healed
create_ragdoll bool true if 0, we skip ragdoll creation on death
ragdollify_child_entity_sprites bool false if 1, we ragdollify child entity sprites
ragdollify_root_angular_damping float 0 If ragdoll_filenames_file= and > 0, the angular damping of the first ragdoll body is set to this value.
ragdollify_disintegrate_nonroot bool false If ragdoll_filenames_file= and true, all but the first sprite on the root entity will be disintegrated instead of being turned into physics bodies.
wait_for_kill_flag_on_death bool false if 1, we wont kill the entity along with kill fx and ragdoll until 'kill' is 1
kill_now bool false if 1, we wont kill the entity along with kill fx and ragdoll until 'kill_now' is 1
drop_items_on_death bool true drop the abilities as items on death?
ui_report_damage bool true If 1, damage numbers are displayed when this entity is damaged
ui_force_report_damage bool false If 1, damage numbers are displayed when this entity is damaged, even if the numbers are disabled in settings
in_liquid_shooting_electrify_prob int 0 [0, 100] when shooting underwater how likely are we to electrify the water
wet_status_effect_damage float 0 [0, 0.1] how much damage per 10 frames is done if entity has 'wet' status effect
is_on_fire bool false Tells us we're on fire or not
fire_probability_of_ignition float 0.5 what is the probability that we'll ignite, 0 means won't ever ignite
fire_how_much_fire_generates int 4 [0, 10] how many fire particles do we generate each frame
fire_damage_ignited_amount float 0.0003 [0, 2] how much damage does being ignited do?
fire_damage_amount float 0.2 [0, 2] how much damage does fire do?, 0.2 is pretty good
mLastElectricityResistanceFrame int -2147483648 Last frame electricity has no effect. Should not be private!
mLastFrameReportedBlock int -2147483648 Last frame a damage block message was displayed for this entity
mLastMaxHpChangeFrame int -10000 used for UI rendering
damage_multipliers ConfigDamagesByType the multipliers applied to different types of damage
Custom data types
ragdoll_fx_forced RAGDOLL_FX::Enum NONE if set, will force this ragdoll fx to happen everytime
mIsOnFire bool false private variable to check when we're on fire and not
mFireProbability int 100 this gets decreased if we can't ignite anything else
mFireFramesLeft int 0 this is the remaining frames we're on fire
mFireDurationFrames int 0 this is the total duration in frames we're on fire
mFireTriedIgniting bool false private variable to check when we could have been ignited or not
mLastCheckX int 0 an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame
mLastCheckY int 0 an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame
mLastCheckTime int 0 an optimization, so we don't have to check everything every frame
mLastMaterialDamageFrame int 0 this is the last frame we took material damage
mFallIsOnGround bool false for fall damage, keeps a private variable about if we're on ground or not
mFallHighestY float 3.40282e+038 private var to keep track of how high have we flown to
mFallCount int 0 how many times have we fallen? This is used to make sure we don't take damage from the first fall
mAirAreWeInWater bool false a private variable to track our state in drowning
mAirFramesNotInWater int 0 how many frames have been with air to breathe
mAirDoWeHave bool false a private variable to track our state in drowning
mTotalCells int 0 how many cells are there total
mLiquidCount int 0 how many of the cells are liquid
mLiquidMaterialWeAreIn int -1 stores the liquid material we're in... may not be the most accurate
mDamageMaterials std::vector< int > NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that do damage (materials_that_damage)
mDamageMaterialsHowMuch std::vector< float > NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that do damage (materials_that_damage)
mCollisionMessageMaterials std::vector< int > NOTE! Sorted! a list of materials that create messages (materials_that_create_messages)
mCollisionMessageMaterialCountsThisFrame std::vector< int > Number of cells per collided with this frame. Order matches mCollisionMessageMaterials
mMaterialDamageThisFrame std::vector< float > A list of damage per material that damages us. In same order as materials
mFallDamageThisFrame float 0 Amount of fall damage received this frame
mElectricityDamageThisFrame float 0 Amount of electricity damage received this frame
mPhysicsDamageThisFrame float 0 max physics damage we have taken this round
mPhysicsDamageVecThisFrame vec2 (0, 0) direction of physics damage
mPhysicsDamageLastFrame int 0 frame number when we took physics damage
mPhysicsDamageEntity EntityTypeID the physics entity that hit us
mPhysicsDamageTelekinesisCasterEntity EntityTypeID who moved an object that hit us via telekinesis
mLastDamageFrame int -120 frame number when we took any damage
mHpBeforeLastDamage double 0 how much hp did we have a while ago?
mFireDamageBuffered float 0 used to optimized cases where lots of entities are taking fire damage
mFireDamageBufferedNextDeliveryFrame int32 0