Template:Infobox spell/doc

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See also: Template:SpellQuery and Template:SpellQueryIcon.

A template used for Spell pages. Functions with individual spells and spells with variants using tabbers.


Individual Spell

{{Infobox spell
| image            = 
| sortKey          = 
| tags             = 
| name             = 
| id               = 
| description      = 
| type             = 
| uses             = 
| manaDrain        = 
| draw             = 
| damageProjectile = 
| damageMelee      = 
| damageElectric   = 
| damageFire       = 
| damageExplosion  = 
| damageIce        = 
| damageSlice      = 
| damageDrill      = 
| damageHealing    = 
| damageHoly       = 
| radius           = 
| maxDuraToDestroy = 
| rayEnergy        = 
| dmgEveryXFrames  = 
| spread           = 
| pattern          =
| speedMin         = 
| speedMax         =  
| speedDie         = 
| lifetime         = 
| lifetimeRandom   =
| altLifetimeMin   = 
| altLifetimeMax   = 
| timerLifetime    = 
| hitShooterFrames = 
| castDelay        = 
| rechargeDelay    = 
| spreadMod        = 
| speedMod         = 
| lifetimeMod      = 
| recoil           = 
| bounces          = 
| criticalChance   = 
| effect           = 
| spellTier        = 
| spawnProbability = 
| unlockCondition  = 

Spells with Variants

{{Infobox spell
| baseName         = 
| sortKey          = 
| commonTags       = 
| type             = 

| tab              = 
| image            = 
| tags             = 
| name             = 
| id               = 
| description      = 
| type             = 
| uses             = 
| manaDrain        = 
| draw             = 
| damageProjectile = 
| damageMelee      = 
| damageElectric   = 
| damageFire       = 
| damageExplosion  = 
| damageIce        = 
| damageSlice      = 
| damageDrill      = 
| damageHealing    = 
| damageHoly       = 
| radius           = 
| maxDuraToDestroy = 
| rayEnergy        = 
| dmgEveryXFrames  = 
| spread           = 
| pattern          =
| speedMin         = 
| speedMax         = 
| speedDie         = 
| lifetime         = 
| lifetimeRandom   = 
| altLifetimeMin   = 
| altLifetimeMax   = 
| timerLifetime    = 
| hitShooterFrames = 
| castDelay        = 
| rechargeDelay    = 
| spreadMod        = 
| speedMod         = 
| lifetimeMod      = 
| recoil           = 
| bounces          = 
| criticalChance   = 
| effect           = 
| spellTier        = 
| spawnProbability = 
| unlockCondition  = 

| tab2              = 
| image2            = 
| tags2             = 
| name2             = 
| id2               =
| description2      = 
| uses2             = 
| manaDrain2        = 
| draw2             = 
| damageProjectile2 = 
| damageMelee2      = 
| damageElectric2   = 
| damageFire2       = 
| damageExplosion2  = 
| damageIce2        = 
| damageSlice2      = 
| damageDrill2      = 
| damageHealing2    = 
| damageHoly2       = 
| radius2           = 
| spread2           = 
| pattern2          = 
| speed2            = 
| lifetime2         = 
| timerLifetime2    = 
| castDelay2        = 
| rechargeDelay2    = 
| spreadMod2        = 
| speedMod2         = 
| lifetimeMod2      = 
| recoil2           = 
| bounces2          = 
| criticalChance2   = 
| effect2           = 
| spellTier2        = 
| spawnProbability2 = 
| unlockCondition2  =  

| tab3              = 
| image3            = 
| tags3             = 
| name3             = 
| id3               =
| description3      = 
| uses3             = 
| manaDrain3        = 
| draw3             = 
| damageProjectile3 = 
| damageMelee3      = 
| damageElectric3   = 
| damageFire3       = 
| damageExplosion3  = 
| damageIce3        = 
| damageSlice3      = 
| damageDrill3      = 
| damageHealing3    = 
| damageHoly3       = 
| radius3           = 
| spread3           = 
| pattern3          = 
| speed3            = 
| lifetime3         = 
| timerLifetime3    = 
| castDelay3        = 
| rechargeDelay3    = 
| spreadMod3        = 
| speedMod3         = 
| lifetimeMod3      = 
| recoil3           = 
| bounces3          = 
| criticalChance3   = 
| effect3           = 
| spellTier3        = 
| spawnProbability3 = 
| unlockCondition3  = 

| tab4              = 
| image4            = 
| tags4             = 
| name4             = 
| id4               =
| description4      = 
| uses4             = 
| manaDrain4        = 
| draw4             = 
| damageProjectile4 = 
| damageMelee4      = 
| damageElectric4   = 
| damageFire4       = 
| damageExplosion4  = 
| damageIce4        = 
| damageSlice4      = 
| damageDrill4      = 
| damageHealing4    = 
| damageHoly4       = 
| radius4           = 
| spread4           = 
| pattern4          = 
| speed4            = 
| lifetime4         = 
| timerLifetime4    = 
| castDelay4        = 
| rechargeDelay4    = 
| spreadMod4        = 
| speedMod4         = 
| lifetimeMod4      = 
| recoil4           = 
| bounces4          = 
| criticalChance4   = 
| effect4           = 
| spellTier4        = 
| spawnProbability4 = 
| unlockCondition4  = 

| tab5              = 
| image5            = 
| tags5             = 
| name5             = 
| id5               =
| description5      = 
| uses5             = 
| manaDrain5        = 
| draw5             = 
| damageProjectile5 = 
| damageMelee5      = 
| damageElectric5   = 
| damageFire5       = 
| damageExplosion5  = 
| damageIce5        = 
| damageSlice5      = 
| damageDrill5      = 
| damageHealing5    = 
| damageHoly5       = 
| radius5           = 
| spread5           = 
| pattern5          = 
| speed5            = 
| lifetime5         = 
| timerLifetime5    = 
| castDelay5        = 
| rechargeDelay5    = 
| spreadMod5        = 
| speedMod5         = 
| lifetimeMod5      = 
| recoil5           = 
| bounces5          = 
| criticalChance5   = 
| effect5           = 
| spellTier5        = 
| spawnProbability5 = 
| unlockCondition5  = 

(Up to 8 tabs are supported; any more will require changes to this template.)


Individual Spell

Parameter Description Param name in config
image The name of the image file (without the File: prefix)
name The name of the spell. This should generally match the name of the page for individual spells. gun_actions: name
id The spell's ID, as used in-game. A redirect page from this ID to the spell page should also be created. gun_actions: id
description The description of the spell, as listed in-game. gun_actions: description
type The type of the spell. There are 8 valid spell types: gun_actions: type
Optional parameters
sortKey Can be used to group this spell with other spells sharing the same sortKey value in sorted lists. N/A
tags Comma separated list of tagged Spell Categories this spell belongs to. N/A
uses The number of times a spell can be cast before it is depleted. gun_actions: max_uses
manaDrain The amount of mana required to cast the spell. gun_actions: mana
draw Some spells (mostly multicast) increase the count of spells remaining to cast. draw_actions()
damageProjectile The amount of Impact damage dealt by the spell. gun_actions: max_uses
damageMelee The amount of Melee damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: melee
damageElectric The amount of Electrical damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: electricity
damageFire The amount of Fire damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: fire
damageExplosion The amount of Explosive damage dealt by the spell. config_explosion: damage
damageIce The amount of Ice damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: ice
damageSlice The amount of Slicing damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: slice
damageDrill The amount of Drilling damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: drill
damageHealing The amount of Healing damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: healing
damageHoly The amount of Holy damage dealt by the spell. damage_by_type: holy
maxDuraToDestroy The highest durability of material this spell can destroy. max_durability_to_destroy
rayEnergy Determines how much energy a spell has to destroy materials. ray_energy
dmgEveryXFrames By default projectiles do damage every tick, this configures a longer interval damage_every_x_frames
radius The radius of the circular area in which the damage of the spell (if any) is dealt. For spells that add radius, prefix with a +. explosion_radius
spread The range of deviation of a spell from the aimed direction. c.spread_degrees
pattern Mostly for Formation multicast, the angle of arc subdivided to space projectiles. c.pattern_degrees
speedMin Projectile starting speed, lower end of range. ProjectileComponent: speed_min
speedMax Projectile starting speed, upper end of range. ProjectileComponent: speed_max
lifetime The duration of which a projectile is active - see also lifetimeRandom. This value is not listed ingame. ProjectileComponent: lifetime
lifetimeRandom For spells with variance in base lifetime, this sets the range. Is in the form lifetime ± lifetimeRandom, e.g. 50 ± 7 giving minimum 43, maximum 57. This value is not listed ingame. ProjectileComponent: lifetime_randomness
altLifetimeMin Alternate component lifetime, lower end of range. This imposes a cap on the maximum lifespan of a projectile, overriding lifetime. LifetimeComponent: lifetime
altLifetimeMax Alternate component lifetime, upper end of range. This imposes a cap on the maximum lifespan of a projectile, overriding lifetime. LifetimeComponent: lifetime
timerLifetime For timer spells, gives the maximum duration before a trigger payload is released. This value is not listed ingame. gun_actions: add_projectile_trigger_timer
hitShooterFrames 'grace period' before friendly-fire projectile can hurt you. gun_actions: collide_with_shooter_frames
castDelay A modifier to the spell cooldown: the minimum time between spell casts. c.fire_rate_wait
rechargeDelay A modifier to the wand cooldown, triggered after the last spell in the queue is cast. gun_actions: current_reload_time
spreadMod A modifier to the spread of the affected projectile. c.spread_degrees
speedMod A modifier to the speed of the affected projectile. c.speed_multiplier
lifetimeMod A modifier to the lifetime of the affected projectile. This value is not listed ingame. lifetime_add
recoil A modifier to the recoil of the affected projectile. This value is not listed ingame. shot_effects.recoil_knockback
bounces A modifier to the number of bounces of the affected projectile. bounces
criticalChance The chance that a spell will critically strike. damage_critical_chance
effect Additional notes and effects of the spell that do not fall within the previous parameters. E.g. Used in Black Hole N/A
spellTier Tiers that the spell belongs in listed in a comma-separated value format. spawn_level
spawnProbability Spawn Probability per Tier listed in a comma-separated value format. spawn_probability
unlockCondition Notes about unlock requirements. spawn_requires_flag
speed Deprecated, use speedMin and speedMax instead Projectile starting speed.

Spells with Variants

Parameter Description
baseName The name of base spell.
sortKey Optional. Can be used to group spells sharing the same sortKey value in sorted lists. Variants share the same sortKey, but are automatically suffixed with an index number.
commonTags Optional. Comma separated list of tagged Spell Categories all variants belong to.
type The type of the spell family. Valid types include:
tab, tab2 ... tab8 Name of the variant (e.g. Timer, Trigger, Large, Giant)
image, image2 ... image8 The name of the image file of the variant without the File: prefix.
tags, tags2 ... tags8 Optional. Comma separated list of tagged Spell Categories this spell variant belongs to (in addition to commonTags).
name, name2 ... name8 The full name of the spell variant.
id, id2 ... id8 The code-ID of the spell.
description, description2 ... description8 The description of the spell variant, as listed in-game.
uses, uses2 ... uses8 The number of times a spell variant can be cast before it is depleted.
manaDrain, manaDrain2 ... manaDrain8 The amount of mana required to cast the spell variant.
damageProjectile, damageProjectile2 ... damageProjectile8 The amount of Impact damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageMelee, damageMelee2 ... damageMelee8 The amount of Melee damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageElectric, damageElectric2 ... damageElectric8 The amount of Electrical damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageFire, damageFire2 ... damageFire8 The amount of Fire damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageExplosion, damageExplosion2 ... damageExplosion8 The amount of Explosive damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageIce, damageIce2 ... damageIce8 The amount of Ice damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageSlice, damageSlice2 ... damageSlice8 The amount of Slicing damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageDrill, damageDrill2 ... damageDrill8 The amount of Drilling damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageHealing, damageHealing2 ... damageHealing8 The amount of Healing damage dealt by the spell variant.
damageHoly, damageHoly2 ... damageHoly8 The amount of Holy damage dealt by the spell variant.
radius, radius2 ... radius8 The radius of the circular area in which the damage of the spell variant (if any) is dealt.
spread, spread2 ... spread8 The range of deviation of a spell variant from the aimed direction.
speed, speed2 ... speed8 The rate at which the projectile travels.
lifetime, lifetime2 ... lifetime8 The duration of which a projectile is active. This value is not listed ingame.
timerLifetime, timerLifetime2 ... timerLifetime8 For timer spells, the duration of a projectile after which another spell is cast. This value is not listed ingame.
castDelay, castDelay2 ... castDelay8 A modifier to the spell cooldown: the minimum time between spell casts.
rechargeDelay, rechargeDelay2 ... rechargeDelay8 A modifier to the wand cooldown, triggered after the last spell in the queue is cast.
spreadMod, spreadMod2 ... spreadMod8 A modifier to the spread of the affected projectile.
speedMod, speedMod2 ... speedMod8 A modifier to the speed of the affected projectile.
lifetimeMod, lifetimeMod2 ... lifetimeMod8 A modifier to the lifetime of the affected projectile. This value is not listed ingame.
recoil, recoil2 ... recoil8 A modifier to the recoil of the affected projectile. This value is not listed ingame.
bounces, bounces2 ... bounces8 A modifier to the number of bounces of the affected projectile.
criticalChance, criticalChance2 ... criticalChance8 The chance that a spell variant will critically strike.
effect, effect2 ... effect8 Additional notes and effects of the spell variant that do not fall within the previous parameters.
spellTier, spellTier2 ... spellTier8 Tiers that the spell belongs in listed in a comma-separated value format.
spawnProbability, spawnProbability2 ... spawnProbability8 Spawn Probability per Tier listed in a comma-separated value format.
unlockCondition, unlockCondition2 ... unlockCondition8 Notes about unlock requirements.


Individual Spell

{{Infobox spell
| image            = Spell_random_spell.png
| name             = Example Spell
| id               = SPELLFOO
| description      = This spell is used as an Infobox example
| tags             = example,friendlyfire
| type             = Other
| uses             = 10
| manaDrain        = 25
| draw             = 2
| damageProjectile = 10
| damageMelee      = 15
| damageElectric   = 25
| damageFire       = 10
| damageExplosion  = 500
| damageIce        = 10
| damageSlice      = 10
| damageDrill      = 5
| damageHealing    = 50
| damageHoly       = 50
| maxDuraToDestroy = 8
| rayEnergy        = 2000
| dmgEveryXFrames  = 10
| radius           = 35
| spread           = 15
| pattern         = 9
| speed            = 650
| speedMin         = 350
| speedMax         = 1250
| speedDie         = 22
| lifetime         = 1200
| lifetimeRandom   = 20
| altLifetimeMin  = 250
| altLifetimeMax  = 350
| timerLifetime    = 20
| hitShooterFrames = 5
| castDelay        = -0.2
| rechargeDelay    = +1.0
| spreadMod        = -15
| speedMod         = 2.50
| lifetimeMod      = +50
| recoil           = 1
| bounces          = +3
| criticalChance   = +15
| effect           = Test
| spellTier        = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
| spawnProbability = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0.4,0.2
| unlockCondition  = Find the wumpus

Spells with Variants

{{Infobox spell
| baseName         = Example Spell
| commonTags       = example
| type             = Other

| tab              = Timer
| image            = Spell_random_projectile.png
| name             = Example Spell with Trigger
| id               = SPELLFOO
| description      = This is an Example Spell with a Timer
| tags             = timer
| uses             = 10
| manaDrain        = 10
| draw             = 2
| damageProjectile = 10
| damageSlice      = 10
| damageDrill      = 10
| damageMelee      = 10
| damageIce        = 10
| damageFire       = 10
| damageElectric   = 10
| damageExplosion  = 10
| damageHealing    = 10
| damageHoly       = 10
| maxDuraToDestroy = 14
| rayEnergy        = 2000
| dmgEveryXFrames  = 10
| radius           = 10
| spread           = 10
| pattern         = 9
| speed            = -10
| lifetime         = 1200
| lifetimeRandom   = 20
| altLifetimeMin  = 250
| altLifetimeMax  = 350
| castDelay        = 10
| rechargeDelay    = 10
| spreadMod        = 10
| speedMod         = 10
| lifetimeMod      = 10
| recoil           = 10
| bounces          = 10
| criticalChance   = 10
| effect           = 10
| spellTier        = 1
| spawnProbability = 0.1
| unlockCondition  = 10

| tab2             = Trigger
| image2           = Spell_random_explosion.png
| name2            = Example Spell with a Trigger
| id2              = SPELLFOO2
| description2     = This is an Example Spell with a Trigger
| tags2            = trigger
| uses2            = 20
| manaDrain2       = 20
| damageProjectile2    = 20
| damageSlice2     = 20
| damageDrill2     = 20
| damageMelee2     = 20
| damageIce2       = 20
| damageFire2      = 20
| damageElectric2  = 20
| damageExplosionActual2    = 20
| damageHealing2   = 20
| damageHoly2      = 20
| radius2          = 20
| spread2          = 20
| pattern2         = 922
| speed2           = 20
| lifetime2        = 20
| timerLifetime2   = 20
| castDelay2       = 20
| rechargeDelay2   = 20
| spreadMod2       = 20
| speedMod2        = 20
| lifetimeMod2     = 20
| recoil2          = 20
| bounces2         = 20
| criticalChance2  = 20
| effect2          = 20
| spellTier2       = 2
| spawnProbability2 = 0.1
| unlockCondition2 = 20

| tab3             = Large
| image3           = Spell_random_static_projectile.png
| name3            = Large Example Spell
| id3              = SPELLFOO3
| description3     = This is a Large Example Spell
| tags3            = large
| uses3            = 30
| manaDrain3       = 30
| damageProjectile3    = 30
| damageSlice3     = 30
| damageDrill3     = 30
| damageMelee3     = 30
| damageIce3       = 30
| damageFire3      = 30
| damageElectric3  = 30
| damageExplosion3 = 30
| damageHealing3   = 30
| damageHoly3      = 30
| radius3          = 30
| spread3          = 30
| pattern3         = 933
| speed3           = -3.5
| lifetime3        = 30
| timerLifetime3   = 30
| castDelay3       = 30
| rechargeDelay3   = 30
| spreadMod3       = 30
| speedMod3        = 30
| lifetimeMod3     = 30
| recoil3          = 30
| bounces3         = 30
| criticalChance3  = 30
| effect3          = 30
| spellTier3       = 3
| spawnProbability3 = 0.1
| unlockCondition3 = 30

| tab4             = Giant
| image4           = Spell_random_modifier.png
| name4            = Giant Example Spell
| id4              = SPELLFOO4
| description4     = This is a Giant Example Spell
| tags4            = giant
| uses4            = 40
| manaDrain4       = 40
| damageProjectile4    = 40
| damageSlice4     = 40
| damageDrill4     = 40
| damageMelee4     = 40
| damageIce4       = 40
| damageFire4      = 40
| damageElectric4  = 40
| damageExplosion4 = 40
| damageHealing4   = 40
| damageHoly4      = 40
| radius4          = 40
| spread4          = 40
| pattern4         = 944
| speed4           = 40
| lifetime4        = 40
| timerLifetime4   = 40
| castDelay4       = 40
| rechargeDelay4   = 40
| spreadMod4       = 40
| speedMod4        = - 40
| lifetimeMod4     = 40
| recoil4          = 40
| bounces4         = 40
| criticalChance4  = 40
| effect4          = 40
| spellTier4       = 4
| spawnProbability4 = 0.1
| unlockCondition4 = 40

| tab5             = Giga
| image5           = Spell_draw_3_random.png
| name5            = Giga Example Spell
| id5              = SPELLFOO5
| description5     = This is a Giga Example Spell
| tags5            = giga
| uses5            = 50
| manaDrain5       = 50
| damageProjectile5    = 50
| damageSlice5     = 50
| damageDrill5     = 50
| damageMelee5     = 50
| damageIce5       = 50
| damageFire5      = 50
| damageElectric5  = 50
| damageExplosion5 = 50
| damageHealing5   = 50
| damageHoly5      = 50
| radius5          = 50
| spread5          = 50
| pattern5         = 955
| speed5           = 50
| lifetime5        = 50
| timerLifetime5   = 50
| castDelay5       = 50
| rechargeDelay5   = 50
| spreadMod5       = 50
| speedMod5        = - 50
| lifetimeMod5     = 50
| recoil5          = 50
| bounces5         = 50
| criticalChance5  = 50
| effect5          = 50
| spellTier5       = 5
| spawnProbability5 = 0.1
| unlockCondition5 = 50

| tab6             = Omega
| image6           = Spell_draw_random_x3.png
| name6            = Omega Example Spell
| id6              = SPELLFOO6
| description6     = This is a Omega Example Spell
| tags6            = omega
| uses6            = 60
| manaDrain6       = 60
| damageProjectile6    = 60
| damageSlice6     = 60
| damageDrill6     = 60
| damageMelee6     = 60
| damageIce6       = 60
| damageFire6      = 60
| damageElectric6  = 60
| damageExplosion6 = 60
| damageHealing6   = 60
| damageHoly6      = 60
| radius6          = 60
| spread6          = 60
| pattern6         = 966
| speed6           = 60
| lifetime6        = 60
| timerLifetime6   = 60
| castDelay6       = 60
| rechargeDelay6   = 60
| spreadMod6       = 60
| speedMod6        = 60
| lifetimeMod6     = 60
| recoil6          = 60
| bounces6         = 60
| criticalChance6  = 60
| effect6          = 60
| spellTier6       = 6
| spawnProbability6 = 0.1
| unlockCondition6 = 60

| tab7             = Glitter
| image7           = Spell_draw_random.png
| name7            = Glitter Example Spell
| id7              = SPELLFOO7
| description7     = This is a Glitter Example Spell
| uses7            = 70
| manaDrain7       = 70
| damageProjectile7    = 70
| damageSlice7     = 70
| damageDrill7     = 70
| damageMelee7     = 70
| damageIce7       = 70
| damageFire7      = 70
| damageElectric7  = 70
| damageExplosion7 = 70
| damageHealing7   = 70
| damageHoly7      = 70
| radius7          = 70
| spread7          = 70
| pattern7         = 977
| speed7           = 70
| lifetime7        = 70
| timerLifetime7   = 70
| castDelay7       = 70
| rechargeDelay7   = 70
| spreadMod7       = 70
| speedMod7        = 70
| lifetimeMod7     = 70
| recoil7          = 70
| bounces7         = 70
| criticalChance7  = 70
| effect7          = 70
| spellTier7       = 7
| spawnProbability7 = 0.1
| unlockCondition7 = 70

| tab8             = Holy
| image8           = Spell_random_spell.png
| name8            = Holy Example Spell
| id8              = SPELLFOO8
| description8     = This is a Holy Example Spell
| uses8            = 80
| manaDrain8       = 80
| damageProjectile8    = 80
| damageSlice8     = 80
| damageDrill8     = 80
| damageMelee8     = 80
| damageIce8       = 80
| damageFire8      = 80
| damageElectric8  = 80
| damageExplosion8 = 80
| damageHealing8   = 80
| damageHoly8      = 80
| radius8          = 80
| spread8          = 80
| pattern8         = 988
| speed8           = 80
| lifetime8        = 80
| timerLifetime8   = 80
| castDelay8       = 80
| rechargeDelay8   = 80
| spreadMod8       = 80
| speedMod8        = 80
| lifetimeMod8     = 80
| recoil8          = 80
| bounces8         = 80
| criticalChance8  = 80
| effect8          = 80
| spellTier8       = 8
| spawnProbability8 = 0.1
| unlockCondition8 = 80

New theme

Single spells

Beta tag testing

beta in tags (single)

beta in tags (multi)

Using these to test spell tier display (may look broken), should not appear on any real pages.