Repelling Cape

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Repelling Cape is a perk that causes stains to drop at a faster rate when you are moving.

The stain-repellent effect will affect desirable stains, reducing the usefulness of Ambrosia or Invisiblium, but helps drop hazardous stains (for example, from Toxic Sludge or Poison) much more quickly.

Be exceedingly cautious around fire with this perk, as it is significantly easier to be set Effect on fire.png On fire! without the ability to retain a Effect wet.png Wet, Effect slimy.png Slimy, or Effect bloody.png Bloody stain for very long.



Stacking makes stains fall off even faster. Just two stacks dries stains practically as soon as you exit the liquid.

However, stacking 10 or more times will reverse the normal affect making stains unaffected by movement, although stains can still be removed through other means.