Psychic Bat

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Psychic Bats (in-game name Psyykkinen lepakko) are flying bat creatures frequently found in the Coal Pits, they act like a normal bat for the most part, until you remain close to them for too long. After which you will notice a purple field close in around you shortly before being inflicted by the Delusional status effect.

They can be identified by their nearly white pupil and and smooth underside.

Behaviour & Combat

The Psyykkinen lepakko will fly around it's environment and leap towards it's target, occasionally inflicting the Delusional Status effect on victims who linger closely for too long.

If you notice purple sparks appear around you it's beginning it's psychic attack on you, gaining distance or killing the bat before it can finish are both options to interrupt it's status-inflicting attack.


  • If you are struck by it's Delusional effect, try to remain calm and focus on enemies you recognize as already being threats, try to ignore any creatures who appear out of thin air as they can not harm you and exist purely to distract you.
  • Despite Psyykkinen lepakko's tougher damage resistances, it's almost just as fragile as a normal bat, a few good blasts is all it takes to finish it
