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Puzzle Definition

When considering only the seven main biomes, there are quite a few structures that could probably be called "puzzles", such as the electric box puzzle in the Snowy Depths, or the two physics puzzles in the Temple of the Art. Should these be included? Or are they strictly ones that create a red circle effect? Camera displeaser (talk) 00:59, 7 June 2024 (UTC)

@User:Camera displeaser: In discord, folks were talking about expanding this page to cover everything. <Checking...> -- someone wrote:
made Puzzles, imported the mini-puzzle sections from the main path biomes, will add stuff like End of Everything and Touch of Grass and the super-cryptic unsolved stuff whatever else i think of later when i have more time
I imagine help is welcome! Quiddity-wp (talk) 01:35, 7 June 2024 (UTC)
Can confirm, help is 100% welcome! Anything that could reasonably be described as a "puzzle" fits, in my imo --wingedcatgirl (talk) 01:46, 7 June 2024 (UTC)