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Decaburst is a unique projectile that fires 10 balls. The direction you aim in doesn't matter, as the projectile forces a circular formation like Formation - Hexagon. The balls fly out in every direction, and after a second they stop and then start accelerating towards your cursor much like Accelerative Homing. The homing effect is very weak, and you can sometimes slightly arc the trajectory by significantly moving your cursor, but it wont let you move it around obstacles.


  • The burst part of the projectile does significantly more damage, so try to activate it near enemies.
  • Triggers can be used to activate the burst farther away, although its more likely most of the balls will hit the ground the trigger activated on. Consider using timers instead.
  • The acceleration is very fast and can reach incredible speeds very fast.
  • The native cursor homing allows you to put your cursor over another target you want the balls to hit, even after the initial burst.