Documentation: AbilityComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
cooldown_frames int 0 [0, 60000]
entity_file std::string the projectile entity file
sprite_file std::string
entity_count int 1 [0, 60000]
never_reload bool false
reload_time_frames int 0
mana float 0
mana_max float 100
mana_charge_speed float 10
rotate_in_hand bool true
rotate_in_hand_amount float 1 [0-1], how much does the item rotate related to the actual aiming angle
rotate_hand_amount float 0.7 [0-1], how much does hand sprite rotate related to the actual aiming angle
fast_projectile bool false if 1, then the velocity of the bullet is increased quite a bit. Lightning requires this
swim_propel_amount float 0 [-1000, 1000]
max_charged_actions int 0
charge_wait_frames int 10
item_recoil_recovery_speed float 15 How quickly does the item return to resting state after getting recoil
item_recoil_max float 1 Maximum distance moved by recoil
item_recoil_offset_coeff float 1 Item distance moved by recoil = mItemRecoil * item_recoil_offset_coeff
item_recoil_rotation_coeff float 5 Item rotation by recoil = mItemRecoil * item_recoil_rotation_coeff
base_item_file std::string data/entities/base_item.xml when dropping / throwing the item, this is the base_item that we add the ability component to
use_entity_file_as_projectile_info_proxy bool false
click_to_use bool true
stat_times_player_has_shot int 0 used to track how many times player has shot this 'ability'
stat_times_player_has_edited int 0 used to track how many times this has been edited
shooting_reduces_amount_in_inventory bool false
throw_as_item bool false
simulate_throw_as_item bool false If 1, the item will be work as normal ability, but throwing animation is played by the user
max_amount_in_inventory int 1
amount_in_inventory int 1
drop_as_item_on_death bool true
ui_name std::string [NOT_SET] way to name the weapons
use_gun_script bool false If 1, the default ability behaviour is replaced with one that uses the lua gun system.
is_petris_gun bool false if 1, TODO( PETRI)
gun_level int 1 [1, 10] the level of the wand, set in gun_procedural.lua
add_these_child_actions std::string e.g. 'bullet,bullet,damage' ... actions are parsed into a string. These are added as actual entities when the item is initialized
current_slot_durability int -1 After this many slots the last slot of the gun is removed. -1 means not initialized/infinite.
slot_consumption_function std_string _get_gun_slot_durability_default Name of the lua function in 'gun.lua' that is called to calculate durability of the last slot in the gun
mNextFrameUsable int 0 hax, don't touch!
mCastDelayStartFrame int 0 hax, don't touch!
mReloadFramesLeft int 0 hax, don't touch!
mReloadNextFrameUsable int 0 hax, don't touch!
mChargeCount int 0 hax, don't touch!
mIsInitialized bool false
gun_config ConfigGun Constants for gun script
gunaction_config ConfigGunActionInfo Constants for gun script
mAmmoLeft int 0
mNextChargeFrame int 0
mItemRecoil float 0