Documentation: ConfigGunActionInfo

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
action_id std_string
action_name std_string
action_description std_string
action_sprite_filename std_string
action_unidentified_sprite_filename std_string data/ui_gfx/gun_actions/unidentified.png
action_type int 0
action_spawn_level std_string comma separated values should match probabilities
action_spawn_probability std_string comma separated values should match levels
action_spawn_requires_flag std_string if set, requires that this persistent flag is set for spawn probabilities to be something else than 0
action_spawn_manual_unlock bool false if true, will not automatically call AddFlagPersistent( action_spawn_requires_flag ) when this action is spawned. You must do it yourself!
action_max_uses int -1 -1 = infinite otherwise it's the amount specified
custom_xml_file std_string if set, this will be used instead of 'action.xml'
action_mana_drain float 10 how much mana does this action drain?
action_is_dangerous_blast bool false TODO - is this used anywhere?
action_draw_many_count int 0
action_ai_never_uses bool false
action_never_unlimited bool false
state_shuffled bool false
state_cards_drawn int 0
state_discarded_action bool false
state_destroyed_action bool false
fire_rate_wait int 0
speed_multiplier float 1
child_speed_multiplier float 1
dampening float 1
explosion_radius float 0
spread_degrees float 0 [0, 180] in 360 degrees, randomizes the direction of the bullet -spread_degrees to +spread_degrees
pattern_degrees float 0 [0, 180] in 360 degrees, if != 0, distributes the bullets to an even pattern from -pattern_degrees to +pattern_degrees
screenshake float 0
recoil float 0
damage_melee_add float 0 TODO - is this used anywhere?
damage_projectile_add float 0 if change to mul - take into account that default is 0
damage_electricity_add float 0
damage_fire_add float 0 TODO - is this used anywhere?
damage_explosion_add float 0
damage_ice_add float 0
damage_slice_add float 0
damage_healing_add float 0
damage_curse_add float 0
damage_drill_add float 0
damage_null_all float 0 if > 0 then will set all damage to 0 and add a NullDamageComponent (that nullss the rest). The value is a percent (0.0-1.0) of what the chance is that everything will be nulled. 1 = always
damage_critical_chance int 0 [0, 100] the chance of a critical hit. ]0-100[
damage_critical_multiplier float 0 [0, 10] multiplier that is applied to all damage types on a critical hit
explosion_damage_to_materials float 0
knockback_force float 0 how much knockback it does to enemies
reload_time int 0
lightning_count int 0
material std_string
material_amount int 0
trail_material std_string
trail_material_amount int 0
bounces int 0
gravity float 0
light float 0
blood_count_multiplier float 1 ProjectileComponent has blood_count_multiplier, it tells how much blood is generated when this hits an entity. These are multiplied together...
gore_particles int 0 amount of blood particles generated by the explosion
ragdoll_fx int 0 ragdoll_fx of the projectile, selects the highest 1 = normal, 2 = gore
friendly_fire bool false if 1, will set friendly fire on to the bullet
physics_impulse_coeff float 0 projectile applies an impulse to physics bodies it hits. Impulse = physics_impulse_coeff * velocity
lifetime_add int 0
sprite std_string
extra_entities std_string comma separated xml files, that are loaded into the projectile entity. Their components get added but nothing else from the xml files is loaded
game_effect_entities std_string comma separated xml files, that have the game effects when they hit the entity
sound_loop_tag std_string If wand has a AudioLoopComponent with this tag it will start playing when this is shot
projectile_file std_string