User:Quiddity-wp/Postcards from the multiverse

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Create a new "Start Menu" entry / game-mode.

  • "Postcards from Alternate Universes. The Noita screensaver." (just a title idea!)


  1. It loads the normal game, but moves the view to an area in the "usually populated areas".
  2. It spawns
    1. ~50 [?] chaotic-random mobs [more? idk! whatever's fun!], scattered across the screen and also outside the view (for offscreen chaos). Sometimes, it also spawns 1+ bosses at the edge of the screen. [?]
    2. 1 kummitus, which is holding a custom wand,
  3. The view stays centered on the kummitus.
  4. The wand is picked from:
    1. One of the player's Bones.
    2. One of a pro player's Bones.
      [players/streamers can zip & submit their bones folders to you! Easily triage them with Alter_ukko's noita-util!]
    3. One of [Mod-Authors] personally added wands.
    • (maybe?) The spells on the wand, and the named-source of the wand, are shown for a few seconds onscreen, e.g.
      "Your wand." / "Letaali's wand." / etc
  5. Chaos ensues!!!
    [Some of the mobs naturally collaborate (factions). Or add some More Hatred if it's too calm?]


It changes locations and starts again, every:

  • 60/120? seconds later [in auto mode]
  • or only-on-click [in manual mode]


Best. screensaver. ever.

Like a dynamically generated version of the Official Trailer video.

See also