Mod:Iota Multiplayer

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Iota Multiplayer provides local multiplayer mode for users. Users can control multiple players with gamepads/keyboard on a same PC. (Gamepads are not necessary)

If you want remote multiplayer, you can use Parsec to remote control other ones' PC. Your input will be transmitted to the host, and the host's screen will be transmitted to your screen.

To use this mod:

  1. Download IotaMultiplayer mod from Github. (Or just get from Workshop)
  2. Download the latest M-Néé mod from Github. (Also Workshop too)
  3. If they are not get from workshop, then unzip them and rename as iota_multiplayer and mnee, place into your mods folder.
    IotaMP Settings.png
  4. In options, set the "Gamepad" as "Auto-detect", that allows players using both gamepads/mouse to operate their guis.
    IotaMP Options Gamepad.png
  5. Start a new run, pick up 'CO-OP!' icon and you can see extra players are spawned. Use gamepads to control them. Interact with 'Auto-Aim' to toggle it.
    IotaMP New Players.png
  6. Press G to switch gui/camera between players. Press T to make all players teleported to current player. Edit their key binding in M-Néé Panel. If you find that the player can't pick up stuffs, please press G to switch camera to it.
    IotaMP Switch Player.png
  7. Money, temple hearts, spell refreshers and perks are shared, if a player pick up one, other players will get one too.
  8. By default, friendly-fire damage between players is only 50%. Kick won't hurt your friends.
  9. When a player dies, it will fall to the ground. When other players pick up the heart on the mountain, fallen players will be resurrected and teleported to the mountain.
  10. Each player has separate hp bar and levitation energy bar.
  11. More things are configurable in the mod settings.

To play well, you may need edit the key bindings for other players (or some utility key bindings):

  1. Left Ctrl + M to open M-Néé panel.
    M-Nee Panel.png
  2. Select the binding set.
    M-Nee Binding Set.png
  3. Rebind them.

Known issues: None.