Documentation: PixelSpriteComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
image_file std::string loads pixelsprite based on this file
anchor_x int 0 [0, 3.5] the anchor and center_offset
anchor_y int 0 [0, 3.5] the anchor and center_offset
material std::string wood_loose what's the material that things are made out of, TODO - change this into MetaCustom
diggable bool true if 1, this can be broken with digger
clean_overlapping_pixels bool true cleans up the pixels that are ovelapping in the world
kill_when_sprite_dies bool true kills the entity, if the pixel sprite is dead (empty)
create_box2d_bodies bool false if true, will create new pixel sprites with box2d bodies, instead of gridworld cells
Custom data types
mPixelSprite PixelSprite*