Documentation: InheritTransformComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
use_root_parent bool false if 1, we use the root of our entity hierarchy instead of the immediate parent
only_position bool false if 1, we only inherit position. it is calculated as follows: parent_position + parent_offset * parent_scale
parent_hotspot_tag std::string if set, we apply the offset of parent HotSpot with this tag
parent_sprite_id int -1 if >= 0, the Nth sprite transform in parent entity is inherited
always_use_immediate_parent_rotation bool false if 1, we use the immediate parent for rotation, no matter what other properties say
rotate_based_on_x_scale bool false if 1, the rotation is set to 0 deg if scale >= 0 else to 180 deg
Custom data types
Transform types::xform
mUpdateFrame int -1


The Transform field is set like this in entity .xml files.

        scale.y="1" >

You can also get/change the transform field from Lua like this:

local  x, y, scale_x, scale_y, rot = ComponentGetValue2(inherit_trans_comp, "Transform")
x = x + 1
y = -y
ComponentSetValue2(inherit_trans_comp, "Transform", x, y, scale_x, scale_y, rot)