Documentation: HomingComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
target_tag std::string homing_target
target_who_shot bool false If 1, targets who shot the projectile, ignores 'target_tag'.
detect_distance float 150 [0, 1000]
homing_velocity_multiplier float 0.9 [-100, 100]
homing_targeting_coeff float 160 [0, 1000]
just_rotate_towards_target bool false the default accelerates towards a target. If true will only rotate towards the target.
max_turn_rate float 0.05 [0, 6.283] radians. If just_rotate_towards_target then this is the maximum radians it can turn per frame
predefined_target EntityID If set, we track this entity
look_for_root_entities_only bool false if set, will only look for entities that are _not_ child entities.