Documentation: GameStats

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
dead bool false is player dead?
death_count int 0 for global
streaks int 0 tracks winning streaks
world_seed uint32 0 writes the world seed that is in use
killed_by std::string
killed_by_extra std::string
playtime double 0 session playtime in seconds, this does not include time in menus
playtime_str std::string session playtime as a string
places_visited int 0 places visited
enemies_killed int 0
heart_containers int 0
hp int64 100 max hp
gold int64 0
gold_all int64 0 all gold, not just what's currently in players inventory
gold_infinite bool false will be set to true if all of the money is unlocked
items int 0 wands,potions,actions
projectiles_shot int 0 player, how many projectiles shot?
kicks int 0 player, kick count
damage_taken double 0 total damage taken
healed double 0 when player is healed (by healer, or some other thing, it's tracked here, BUG: Healing liquid isn't tracked here
teleports int 0 how many times have we teleported, this is bugged out right now, teleport projectiles are not counted
wands_edited int 0 how many wands player has edited
biomes_visited_with_wands int 0 used to figure out if a player played a no-wands-run, tracks how many biomes has player entered with wands. Hills doesn't fire Message_VisitedNewBiome so it doesn't count.
Custom data types
death_pos vec2 (0, 0)