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Bone is a material that makes up a couple of props, most notably appearing on top of the Emerald Tablet on the western shore of the 溶岩湖. It is a hard material which makes a hollow sound when kicked. It also appears frequently in powder and static variants.


Ordinary Bone is a whitish colour and always appears as assorted clutter of props, little pieces of bone or skulls that can be kicked around.


骨粉 is a white powdery solid that is most commonly seen as the blood material from particularly skeletal enemies, such as Stevari and Hahmonvaihtaja. Traces of it can also be found in the 砂漠 buried in the sand.

It is generally very inert and does not react with most other materials.


骨の壁 is the solid, static form of 骨粉. It is only found in the 砂漠, being the material the giant skull is composed of.



骨粉 will bleed out of these enemies.

It also bleeds from cocoons.


Bone can be found as the corpse of these enemies.


反応 速度 反応物 生成物
100 壊れた岩 + 骨 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 骨 ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
100 壊れた岩 + 骨粉 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 骨粉 ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
100 壊れた岩 + 骨の壁 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 骨の壁 ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
3 溶岩 + 骨 +
3 溶岩 + 骨粉 +
50 [acid] + 骨 [acid] + 引火性ガス
50 [acid] + 骨粉 [acid] + 引火性ガス
50 [acid] + 骨の壁 [acid] + 引火性ガス
90 (spore) + 骨粉 空気 + 骨粉
3 蒸気 + 骨の壁 + 骨の壁


Skull and some bones covering a tablet by the 溶岩湖.
Fossils made of 骨粉 material below the surface of the 砂漠.
Giant Skull made of 骨の壁 material in the 砂漠.
