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is a pale-yellow non-combustible powder that commonly occurs in a few different forms throughout Noita's main biomes.


Ordinary or plain is somewhat rare to come by in many biomes. It can be found in abundance in the 砂の洞窟, as well as occasionally in the 鉱山, being one of a handful of materials that the large wooden vats can contain when they are generated. The other primary source for sand is occasional pockets of sand in the 芸術の神殿 which can sometimes hide 宝箱 submerged in the sand. Only the main variant participates in a キノコシフト, the other variants will remain as they are.

The 芸術の神殿 also contains a variety of hazardous traps which will bleed sand when damaged.


青い砂 is a bluish variant of sand that is emitted from certain magical structures when they are damaged, such as the Houre's crystal and the Ghost Crystal. It is not naturally occurring in any biome as terrain.

砂 (Surface)

A subtly different variant of Sand is also present across the entire surface of the 砂漠. It is mainly notable for being a distinctly separate kind of sand for the purposes of Alchemy but is otherwise very similar to ordinary sand.

砂 (Petrify)

This form of sand is technically a powder, but is only used as the material that Petrified enemies are transmuted into. Being physics objects, petrified entities behave as solid objects rather than powder, although they are not especially tough and can be destroyed with most spells or explosives that are capable of destroying terrain.


反応 速度 反応物 生成物
50 奇妙なキノコ + 砂 奇妙なキノコ + 奇妙なキノコ
100 猛毒ヘドロ + 砂 + キノコの血 奇妙なキノコ + 奇妙なキノコ
100 壊れた岩 + 砂 (All variants) 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 砂 (All variants) ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
80 [lava] + 砂 (All variants) + 溶岩
50 [acid] + 砂 (All variants) [acid] + 引火性ガス
90 (spore) + 砂 (All variants) 空気 + 砂 (All variants)


Player walks on top of the in the 砂漠
The Ground To Sand projectile modifier on this Glowing Lance allows it to convert other materials into massive amounts of 砂.


  • Oct 11 2019: The reactions to make 奇妙なキノコ were added.