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  • 有一份请愿书被Nolla Games接受,将 "Deer Decoy"法术更名为"Deercoy"。更多信息在Nolla Games的这条推文
  • 在游戏的远古版本中,鹿在逃跑时会漏出尿液,现在这种材料已经变得很少见了。

2019年9月21日,Gummikana(开发者)在Nolla games AMA上说了这么一段话:

"My favorite bug was the deers drowning in their own piss :)

翻译:"我最喜欢的 bug 就是鹿淹死在自己的尿液中 :)

So back in the day we put some animals and had them roam around in the world. And also they had to urinate from time to time. Because the game is 2D, the urine would fall into these ditches. And what ended up happening is that deers would also hang around in the ditches urinating themselves. Eventually there would be so much urine that deers would drown in it. And the landscape was littered with these ditches full of urine and dead deers. Good times."
