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奇石 (发音 Audio.svg) (别名奇威,游戏内名为Stone,字面意思是石头) 是一个小BOSS



Kivi is completely passive and cannot attack or otherwise affect the player by default. It slowly rolls around menacingly towards the player. Kivi also bears an aura which instantly removes Ambrosia stains and inflicts 沾水 沾水 on nearby entities, invalidating Stainless Armour. The latter can be avoided if water no longer exists in the world. For example, beating Leviathan can transmute all water into smoke.

When damaged, Kivi spawns an invisible entity to deal holy damage to the player, in an amount at least equal to the amount received, more if the player has more HP than the boss. The damage cannot be blocked or resisted, but Saving Grace and Extra Life may still offset it, although the damage lingers for a short time. The damage entity lives for 90 frames by default. If the player polymorphs, this damage entity will gain extra lifetime so it can hurt you once the transformation ends.

If it is damaged and your HP percentage is higher than the Kivi's HP percentage, the Kivi will reflect enough damage to bring your HP to an equal percentage. Since the damage entity tries to bring you to this percentage in one go but makes attempts every frame it lives, a minimum of 90 tries, stainless armor is rendered less effective even if you avoid the wet stain from the boss. This makes it difficult to kill without dying yourself.

Upon death, an animation plays and three Kummitus spawn (if you have at least one "bones wand"). These ghosts also copy the player's max HP.


Any healing is sufficient to be able to deal with the boss, as small chip damage to the boss can be healed by the player. The Cessation spell with increase lifetime modifier also makes instantly annihilating Kivi easy, as retaliation damage misses if the player no longer exists. If water has been forcibly removed from the world, Stainless Armour is also sufficient to ignore the damage. Having more HP is not effective, as the boss just copies the player's.

Also beware the three Kummitus ghosts, which can be supremely dangerous if you have very powerful wands in your bones folder. However, if they do spawn with powerful wands, and you manage to defeat them, you could receive an immense boost in power for your run.

It has no vulnerabilities or immunities and few resistances, so almost any attack will be able to kill it.


  • The kill for this boss will count even if you didn't directly kill it, or if it died after you did. Note that this will also end pacifism.
  • There are three engravings of Kummitus in the background, corresponding to where they will spawn.
  • If removed from its spawn area, Kivi will be teleported towards it, but not necessarily onto the temple, and can get stuck in a constant loop of falling.


Kivi in its Temple, note the three engravings of Kummitus.


  • 2024.4.8: 加入到游戏中