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尿 is a very rare, transparent yellow liquid 資材. The unique jar item can be picked up and used like typical フラスコ and it has its own unique sprite.


Touching 尿 applies the Effect jarated.png ジャラテカ status effect, which provides combustion resistance and increases the risk of receiving critical hits. Drinking urine causes Effect food poisoning.png 食中毒. It also has the unique ability to slowly melt powdered snow. Packed snow and ice are not affected by it.


  • Extremely rare chance for a 尿 Jar to spawn in the 鉱山.
  • Rare chance of obtaining Materialpotion urine.png 尿 as a potion from a 宝箱 or 大いなる宝箱.
  • Has a 0.0485% chance of being chosen as the target material for a キノコシフト.
  • On August 24 (TF2 Day), Snipuhiisi also have an extremely small chance of spawning with an alternate attack, constantly throwing 尿 Jars instead of shooting their sniper rifle.
  • Has a 0.00001% of being a スターターポーション.


反応 速度 反応物 生成物
70 [lava] + 尿 愚か者のゴールド + 蒸気
20 + 尿 + 蒸気
50 [acid] + 尿 [acid] + 引火性ガス


Jar Sprite
  • The 尿 Jar unique jar sprite and the Jarated effect are both references to the Jarate from Team Fortress 2. In that game, Jarate is an item usable by the Sniper-class which, when thrown, turns attacks into minicrits on enemies and puts out fires on teammates.
  • Originally urine could be found by left clicking while transformed into a deer.
  • In older versions of the game, the deer used to emit 尿 when it ran away. This resulted in some weird things.
    • In quote from the Nolla games AMA by Arvi (developer), Sep 21 2019[1] and also mentioned in a video[2]:

"My favorite bug was the deers drowning in their own piss :)

So back in the day we put some animals and had them roam around in the world. And also they had to urinate from time to time. Because the game is 2D, the urine would fall into these ditches. And what ended up happening is that deers would also hang around in the ditches urinating themselves. Eventually there would be so much urine that deers would drown in it. And the landscape was littered with these ditches full of urine and dead deers. Good times."


Seed Description
48490521 Can be found early on.
2005192038 Pool right at the bottom of the 鉱山 entrance.
274793245 Spawn in the 鉱山.
294507393 Inside an enclosed area with a ヘイッコ・ハウリッコヒーシ on first level.
20770013 Directly below the entrance to the 鉱山 in an enclosed area with a ヘイッコ・ハウリッコヒーシ.
1655095560 On the right side of 鉱山, on the edge of the 溶岩湖.
1199269428 Can be found on the left side of the 鉱山, in an enclosed area with a ヘイッコ・ハウリッコヒーシ.
2145892087 In 鉱山 down 1-2 levels and to the left, inside of a 木材 square with 1 ヒーシ inside with it.
1285919224 Down left from entrance to the 鉱山.
101887346 Straight down from 鉱山 entrance - roughly half way to 聖なる山 portal.
1466590193 Above one of the 聖なる山 (second one from the right) portal inside a 木材 closure.
1895900740 in the 鉱山, go immediately right from the entrance until you hit a wall, then go down 2 rows. Inside a wooden enclosure on the left with a ハウリッコヒーシ.
2059318928 In the 炭坑, in an underwater chest about a screen above the 聖なる山 entrance.
