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Wood is a common flammable material with many variants defining several structures and props.

Static Variants

The static and vertical variants are found in several biomes, but most commonly found in the 鉱山, 崩壊した鉱山, and 炭坑.


The Wall variant is used to define static wooden structures in biomes that already have a different overlay image.


This variant of 木材 is most notable for making up the 大木 and having the most resistance of all the woods. It is the only wood that is immune to and . It has the fewest material reactions of the woods, and is much more resistant to digging and explosions because of its high hardness and durability.

Prop Variants


Used as the material body for the majority of wood-based props, including carts, furniture, the skateboard, 宝箱, and 大いなる宝箱.

It is also used as the corpse of a few special enemies.

Small Wheel

Used for a couple of small wheel props.

Large Wheel

Used for large wheels such as those found on the excavation site structures in the 炭坑.


Wood used for trees and cactus, including those that grow in the 地下ジャングル. Also used for various other background objects.


Used for Summon Explosive Box and banners.

Unused Variants

These variants of wood are unused in the main game. The Trailer variant is used for the trailer, and the Burns Forever variant will burn for an extremely long time.

The player variant has a unique reaction with セメント.

反応 速度 反応物 生成物
100 セメント + 木材 (Player) コンクリート + 木材 (Player)


Most wood types have the following reactions.

反応 速度 反応物 生成物
100 壊れた岩 + 木材 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 木材 ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
50 [acid] + 木材 [acid] + 引火性ガス
8 溶岩 + 木材 ([burnable]) 溶岩 +
3 蒸気 + 木材 ([static]) + 木材 ([static])


Branch of the 大木 made out of that variant of wood.
Cactus in the 砂漠 that become the background variant of prop wood when uprooted.
Trees in the 森林 that become the background variant of prop wood when uprooted.
Static wood found in the 鉱山.
Vertical variant wood found in the 鉱山.

