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猛毒の岩 is a dangerous rock-like 資材 that is created alongside 猛毒ガス when 猛毒ヘドロ reacts with 溶岩.


Similar to 猛毒ヘドロ, 猛毒の岩 has a faint yellow-green glow; it looks similar to 貪欲の呪いの岩, but with a darker hue and more traditional texture.

猛毒の岩 deals significant damage on contact. This can be prevented with the Toxic Immunity perk.

猛毒の岩 is sometimes found in the 鉱山, where it forms small caves that often house a treasure chest or wand. The 真菌洞窟 and 生い茂った洞窟 also contain small formations of 猛毒の岩. Additionally, it can occur in any biome where both 猛毒ヘドロ and Lava are abundant, such as the 炭坑.


反応 速度 反応物 生成物
70 [lava] + [radioactive] 猛毒の岩 + 猛毒ガス
100 壊れた岩 + 猛毒の岩 壊れた岩 + 壊れた岩
100 ミダスの設計図 + 猛毒の岩 ミダスの設計図 + ゴールド
3 蒸気 + 猛毒の岩 + 猛毒の岩
3 溶岩 + 猛毒の岩 +
50 [acid] + 猛毒の岩 [acid] + 引火性ガス


An uncommon cave structure in the 鉱山 made of 猛毒の岩
猛毒ヘドロ and Lava create 猛毒の岩 and a plume of 猛毒ガス.
